L4ur4 Wh1t3

L4ur4 Wh1t3 Poems

I am who I am
I dress with no stress
I act how I look
I look how I act

Everybody want's to go to heaven.
But no one want's to die.
I'm not afraid to die
cause I'm going to heaven

Do you see?
No you don't see'
You never seen
you've lost days not caring you moved left.

I'm staying I like the pain.
you look at me like I'm insane.
it's the strength Iv gain
the time i put in

When ı saw you the fırst tıme
I never thought that ı would see you agaın
We was frıends at fırst tıll you got brave and
Came out and told me how you felt

L4ur4 Wh1t3 Biography

i love riding horses o barrle race i have a nice life somtimes i have better times than others but but that just life i writ cause i love it i dont know why i just fell like i can explan how i feel and some people dont understand my wrtting but if dont then you dont understand me at all)

The Best Poem Of L4ur4 Wh1t3

*i Am*

I am who I am
I dress with no stress
I act how I look
I look how I act
you want me to change but sorry I'm not a doll.
you cant play me.
it feels like I'm in a cage and all you can say is change you ways
but i says hours are hours days are days months are months but years
i start to tear and wonder why you Don't see clearly i am not going to change
its like I'm a wild mustang I roam alone, Dangerous but with in tame
and cant be broken my spirit is free and no one can take clame
so me and the wild mustangs are the same

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