lacey jacobs

lacey jacobs Poems

i love you so much i cant imagine losing you
you were there when i toke my first breath into the world and just the thought of losing you brings me to tears
i sometimes imagine how i would react living in a world without you moving on without you is so difficult i would do anything to never make you sick
if you needed a heart here you go

we been though so much since the day you gave me life
things i might forget and things i will never forget
the joy i felt the pain i went though

lacey jacobs Biography

i love to write i loved writing what is on my mind and i get my inspiration from thing i have or will expirence in the future)

The Best Poem Of lacey jacobs

This World Would Not Be The Same Without You In It

i love you so much i cant imagine losing you
you were there when i toke my first breath into the world and just the thought of losing you brings me to tears
i sometimes imagine how i would react living in a world without you moving on without you is so difficult i would do anything to never make you sick
if you needed a heart here you go
if you needed a kidney here you go
if you needed a life here you go
its seems to me that your life is more important than mine
you are my bestfriend
my family
my love
my person who gives me advice
this world would not be the same without you in it
thats why i would do a million things for you just so you can affect people around
i love enough to give you my life

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