Lass K

Lass K Poems

Where am I rushing to?
This boat of life sails too fast
The wheels of my life are four not two
The breeze of fate rushes past

Oh, my pretty love,
Your beauty shines so bright,
Illuminating the sky above,
I am blinded by the light.

Kings of the night
To full their ego's might
They live in darkness light
They love terror and fright

If wishes were horses
All desires shall ride;
The sweetest of all curses
Will you be my bride?

My hate birthed a crest
Whose hot hands burn my chest
It loves to speak of lovely lies
An enjoys when friend cries

To the first candle
To burn without a handle
I left in the wild
For the harshness of its heat became mild

She loves her gold
For it makes her feel bold
But the metal on her neck feels ice cold
Why! Because the edition is old

Lass K Biography


The Best Poem Of Lass K

Meaningless Journey

Where am I rushing to?
This boat of life sails too fast
The wheels of my life are four not two
The breeze of fate rushes past

Life is a cycle that never ends
As my vehicle speeds towards a wall
All I see are scary bends
And the wall is thick, strong and tall

Hatred is the agenda of the day
Ghost of rage dances in the sky
Debts are increasing to pay
The strong begin to die.

Candlelight of deceit
Lights the way
Death brings back his receipt
To take the weak away.

Counting stars become a taboo
For all I hear are words of lies
Life becomes zoo
As man cries…

Lass K Comments

Lass K Quotes

Playing with the devil is like walking on hot coals barefooted you will surely get blisters

If the tables of life don't turn, change your situation yourself. don't wait for anyone or anything and don't leave God

A child is like an investment with risks. If properly managed will yield profit

A child's mind is a plant, if wrongly fed will wither

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