Leo Loomie

Leo Loomie Poems

Dear Humanity,
I’ve been around for a long time.
For all time, actually.

The Best Poem Of Leo Loomie

Father Time

Dear Humanity,
I’ve been around for a long time.
For all time, actually.

The Big Bang was exciting,
but then the photonic soup went on for some time,
until things got differentiated and more interesting.

I enjoyed the galaxies forming and rotating gently,
supernovas going off like flashbulbs.
Pretty soon your “Milky Way” will be colliding with the “Andromeda Galaxy”.
Looking forward to that!

I have all the time in the world.
Well all the worlds, actually.

Your civilization is just the blink of an eye compared to some,
where the inhabitants don’t consider a civilization mature until the first eon.
Why, I’ve had a single conversation with them that lasted over one of your millenniums.
A single word took over a month to pronounce.
I’m patient.

There’s been a lot of recent chatter about longevity.
Everyone wants to live longer.
but you all have to make time and space for the next generation.
At any rate,
You come and go like mayflies,
before we’ve had a chance to chat.

Best of luck in your future, and
Remember to
Take your Time!

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