Lesbia Harford Poems

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My Lovely Pixie, My Good Companion,

My lovely pixie, my good companion,
You do not love me, bed-mate of mine,

The Electric Tram To Kew

Through the swift night
I go to my love.
Tram bells are joy bells,
Bidding us move

Girl's Love

I lie in the dark
Grass beneath and you above me,
Curved like the sky,
Insistent that you love me.

I Count The Days Until I See You

I count the days until I see you, dear,
But the days only.
I dare not reckon up the nights and hours

The Immigrant

When Gertie came in
To work today
She was much less weary
And far more gay.

The Invisible People

When I go into town at half past seven
Great crowds of people stream across the ways,
Hurrying, although it's only half past seven.

The Psychological Craze

I in the library,
Looking for books to read,
Pulled one out twice to see
If it fulfilled my need.

The People Have Drunk The Wine Of Peace

The people have drunk the wine of peace
In the streets of town.
They smile as they drift with hearts at rest
Uphill and down.


I've had no man
To guard and shelter me,
Guide and instruct me
From mine infancy.

The Silent Dead

There's a little boy who lives next door
With hair like you,
Pale, pale hair and a rose-white skin

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