Lesbia Harford Poems

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They Are So Glad Of A Young Companion,

They are so glad of a young companion,
They hail and bless me, these boys of mine,
And I whose pathway was dark and lonely

The Love I Look For

The love I look for
Could not come from you.
My mind is set to fall
At Peterloo.

Summer Lightning

Just now, as warm day faded from our sight
Hosts of archangels, fleet
On lighting-winged feet
Passed by, all glimmering in the busy night


This morning I got up before the sun
Had seized the hill,
And scrambled heart-hot, noisy, past each one

I Can'T Feel The Sunshine

I can't feel the sunshine
Or see the stars aright
For thinking of her beauty
And her kisses bright.

Summer Lightning

Just now, as warm day faded from our sight
Hosts of archangels, fleet
On lighting-winged feet
Passed by, all glimmering in the busy night

This Evening I'M Alone.

This evening I'm alone.
I wish there'd be
Someone to come along
And talk to me.

This Year I Have Seen Autumn With New Eyes

This year I have seen autumn with new eyes,
Glimpsed hitherto undreamt of mysteries
In the slow ripening of the town-bred trees;

If You Have Loved A Brave Story

If you have loved a brave story
Tell it but rarely;
And, with due faith in its glory,
Render it barely.

The Folk I Love

I do hate the folk I love-
They hurt so.
Their least word and act may be
Source of woe.

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