Lew Sarett

Lew Sarett Poems

Swiftly the blizzard stretched a frozen arm
From out the hollow night-
Stripping the world of all her scarlet pomp,

A lonely lake, a lonely shore,
A lone pine leaning on the moon;
All night the water-beating wings
Of a solitary loon.

I know a mountain, lone it lies
Under wide blue Arctic skies.

Gray against the crimson rags

She walks alone against the dusky sky,
With something of the manner of a queen-
Her gesturing peaks, imperious and high;
Her snowy brow, serene.

The Arctic moon hangs overhead;
The wide white silence lies below.
A starveling pine stands lone and gaunt,
Black-penciled on the snow.

The Best Poem Of Lew Sarett

October Snow

Swiftly the blizzard stretched a frozen arm
From out the hollow night-
Stripping the world of all her scarlet pomp,
And muffling her in white.

Dead white the hills; dead white the soundless plain;
Dead white the blizzard's breath-
Heavy with hoar that touched each woodland thing
With a white and silent death.

In inky stupor, along the drifted snow,
The sluggish river rolled-
A numb black snake caught lingering in the sun
By autumn's sudden cold.

Lew Sarett Comments

Rosemary Meyer Harding 13 April 2021

An interesting poet, teacher, scholar, woodsman, Nature lover...read his work.

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