Lexi Rose

Lexi Rose Poems

I do not hate you.
I hate the mask you wear; your eyes
betray the hidden depths
that you possess, drawing me

I weep because once, you loved me.
I weep because once, you cared.
When someone calls my name, I run;
crying tears of fervent hope.

Sleepily succumbing
succumbing slowly
slowly slipping
slipping silently


I should like to
travel, by and by
over the Japanese Footbridge;
to cross the mountains

The Best Poem Of Lexi Rose

To Jordyn

I do not hate you.
I hate the mask you wear; your eyes
betray the hidden depths
that you possess, drawing me
into the hollow contrivance; this
your portraiture of perfection.

I do not hate you.
I hate your words; saccharine sweet,
sticky with sex
that oozes between the cracks, sealing me
against the raging rivers red; those
that cut.

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