Linda Gantt Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Going Toward Strong

Did I ever need strength- yesterday,
when horns too sharp nicked skin soft to the touch.

I found it- with mantra and more mantra.

Images Powerful

I heard it squealing pitiful-loud last night, again and again.
But a blast of thunder woke me- and from my torture saved me.

Alas, fifty years hence, my nemesis it is so real,

Easter Sunday

Church bells tolling- louder this Lord's day,
announcing something big and bold.

'Welcome, one and all, ' the minister greets,

Hurricane Ike

We heard the command: 'Get out while you can.'
Should we go? Should we stay?

Almost gale-force lustful winds,

The Blue Cross

Prayerful focus in blue
awash on a cozy speckled pine wall.

Bonded freedom to dream, to do, to be

Boggy Swamp

Listening to the whiskey rattle snore
of a brown-eared shih tzu pup
remembering when I needed
such indeterminate sleep and snoozing much.

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