Linda Ori Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Time Of Truth

The time is now
Let change begin,
Blend heaven and earth
In an endless spin,

Some People

Some people never leave your heart
Although they leave your door -
They linger in the loving part
And touch you to the core;

Femme Fatale

She always had a way with men,
Could win them to her side,
She had them eating from her hand
Although she never tried;

! Entering The Forbidden Zone

What mysteries reside within the tangled net
Of electromagnetic impulses triggered by
The mechanism of thought and emotion?

Always The Best Friend

You come to me for comfort
When your world comes crashing down
You say you need someone that you can trust -
And so I give you solace

If Only

Lives pass by, intersect and connect,
Those we would meet come and go -
Often we don't see the overall plan
Never meeting the ones we should know;

I Keep Thinkin'

I keep thinkin'..........
When did you decide you were better than me?
When did you ever try to understand the real me?
Did you ever really hear what I was saying to you?

The Nature Of Things

How many times we say or do
Something that we thought was true
And then it made us sad;
A hurtful word, a shameful look

The 200

It started many years ago
My love affair with words
From comics to the classics on the shelf -
The power of the written word

' A Rose Is A Rose

Sir, can you answer
This question I pose.....
What on this earth is
As sweet as a rose?

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