Lorena Glodeviza

Lorena Glodeviza Poems

For What is the development of Civilization Use for?
if our environment getting destroy? '
For what the Civilization for? if the people around you'
are hard to trust ' '

Oh rain,
Your sound is pleasing, a harmony, in my ears
Thud! thud!
On the rooftops, on the ground and everywheres around

To hold you close, to have you near
To have my breath against your ear
Whispering the words I long to say
Being able to show you my passion my heart my soul

The Best Poem Of Lorena Glodeviza

'For What? '

For What is the development of Civilization Use for?
if our environment getting destroy? '
For what the Civilization for? if the people around you'
are hard to trust ' '
For what living a luxurious life?
if this is the reason why lot of souls cry
Sometimes I more love to live in the forest that sorronded of tress and rivers flow'
Chirping of birds can be heard
Splash of Rushing waters Soo white and Clear
How beautiful life can be?
Living a life peacefully with harmony. 
May time has passed and the flow of civilization has changed, but the sweet memories, will still remain
that once upon a time we were living a life
A life I the paradise.

Lorena Glodeviza Comments

Lorena Glodeviza Quotes

'Love is the Scents of Life, Without it ' Life is Nothing'

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