Lorry Kaller

Lorry Kaller Poems

Tigers eyes and misty skies o'er Africa do weep
they mourn the passing of the dead
and guard the livings sleep.

The Best Poem Of Lorry Kaller

Tigers Eyes And Misty Skies

Tigers eyes and misty skies o'er Africa do weep
they mourn the passing of the dead
and guard the livings sleep.

Around the world mens protests rise
with voices loud and mad 
their speeches oaths and anthems raised to millions who are sad.

While calling forth a nations pride
men raise their colored flags
but it all means nothing to tiny feet
and playful tails that wag.

When smoke billows forth into the sky and life seems much too frail
I close my eyes to smile and dream
and hang from monkeys tails.

Politics don't matter there
nor mens detaining laws
for underneath the shady trees
my heart feels tiny paws.

Tigers eyes and misty skies o'er Africa do weep,
they mourn the passing of the dead
and guard the livings sleep.

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