Losus Makofane

Losus Makofane Poems

I shall rise…

Maybe not today,
It can be tonight, tomorrow or any minute,

Hello Again.

I thought that saying goodbye,
would be the hardest thing to say to you.

Hello Friend

Lol, here i am awake again,
Lol, Here i toss and turn again,

I hate to Admit.

Well, is true i hate it,
I hate to admit, but i do,

Being just me

This one you wrote for me,
Is one of its kind i bet,

The Best Poem Of Losus Makofane

I Shall Rise

I shall rise…

Maybe not today,
It can be tonight, tomorrow or any minute,
Above all the painful tears and distress,
Against all odds, storms and thunders,
I shall one day rise,

For thousands times I kneeled,
I begged you not to kill me,
You took my treasure away from me,
The only treasure I cherished,
And made sure I never got to see her again,
You took my destiny, destroyed my pride,
Burned all the promises, vows and memories we had,
You incinerated my soul and left me to perish,
Just because I was no longer eligible,
To be a better bloke for you,

You actually enjoyed winding and betting my life,
Telling everybody, and your parents, that I mistreated you,
Just to find a virtuous motive to your greener pasture,
And they believed you because I had nothing
But today I tell you, never mind when and how,
When time is right, it shall happen,

I give you my promise, a word forever marked,
My word in particular, that I shall not die before I rise,
Even if I rise and die, so shall it be,
I don't care how long it takes,
I shall rise,

Author yet to be crowned,
Makofane Losus
065 941 5624

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