Louis L'Amour Poems

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My Three Friends

I have three friends, three faithful friends,
more faithful could not be-
and every night, by the dim firelight,
they come to sit with me.

A Handful Of Stars

Give me O Night, a blessing
Of peace, and a handful of stars-
Give me O Dawn, a beginning,
New life, and a healing of scars;

An Ember In The Dark

Faintly, along the shadowed shores of night
I saw a wilderness of stars that flamed
And fluttered as they climbed or sank, and shamed
The crouching dark with shyly twinkling light;

An Ember In The Dark

Faintly, along the shadowed shores of night
I saw a wilderness of stars that flamed
And fluttered as they climbed or sank, and shamed
The crouching dark with shyly twinkling light;

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