lozzi drippin

lozzi drippin Poems

Do not grieve if i am dead,
do not repeat a word i said,
if i cry,
do not feel the want to die.

People who are weird are not weirdos,
they are people who see a world of madened madness.

Madness is not weird its creative and random,

When the wind whistles through the trees it reminds me of you, reminds me of those summer nights,
when we were at particular heights.

We were hopeless lovers and estranged teens,

Friendship is good in many ways,
Though sometimes you do have bad days.

You can almost agree to everything,

I was wondering one day,
what instrument i could play.

My dad suggested the drum,

The Bands best mid-rehearsal,
And I'm dying for a pee,
But, although Im holding up my hand,
I can't seem to make my teacher see,

My heart is yours,
like when we were galloping over the moores,
You told me you loved me,
but i didnt think, i just agreed silently.

My friends are sometimes like enemies,
and other times like allies.
When we fight, its like a war,
but without the blood and gore.

Through and through the tunnel it goes,
chou and chou it soon slows,
suddenly the whistle blows.

lozzi drippin Biography

As most of my friends will know i am loud, very loud. and i DO NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD! ! ! Cause i prefer my own style.)

The Best Poem Of lozzi drippin

If You Love Me....

Do not grieve if i am dead,
do not repeat a word i said,
if i cry,
do not feel the want to die.

If you love me do not shove me,
If i lie,
do not feel the need to die,
For i am alone with my acts of crime.

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