Lydia Welch

Lydia Welch Poems

Some kids hug a toy
Some girls hug a boy,
When things have gone wrong
Some listen to a song,

A friend is someone who knows your every emotion,
When they see you down
They shouldn't have to ask,
They just go over, and give you a comforting hug...

One of my friends has gone,
He was my best friend.
I don't know what I did,
I feel like such a kid,

The Best Poem Of Lydia Welch

Stay Strong

Some kids hug a toy
Some girls hug a boy,
When things have gone wrong
Some listen to a song,
They know there will be an end,
Around every corner...a friend!
Everyone knows your feild
But their lips are sealed.
And they wont tell,
Your life story, of how you fell.
When they realized why you cried,
Some would rather of died.
I know its been long...
But I know, that you can stay strong!

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