lynk khonok

lynk khonok Poems

The Village where with farm, with whirl stream, with fresh breeze, with green forests, with foggy ranges.
The Village
to which is come the armed soldiers with the Arms and pineapple!
The village to which is come the armed to with its for Extorted Penny assault with this as Arm and that such pineapple!

The Best Poem Of lynk khonok

........To One Of My Sister.........

The Village where with farm, with whirl stream, with fresh breeze, with green forests, with foggy ranges.
The Village
to which is come the armed soldiers with the Arms and pineapple!
The village to which is come the armed to with its for Extorted Penny assault with this as Arm and that such pineapple!
At that awhile the similar arm enimies have being imformed the extortion in the village where the villagers together the full the phobia and tear!
Battling is battering bitterly broke the blosson!
With the Atrocitious Valour perceived!
The campamge with the bloodieous smokes course of their arms!
A Chap begged me his loose rights in where there if only; as in these so thither!
1.During on the desk,
Who have employed them to offenced the adverse!
2.During on the desk,
Who is Heigh Headman of this Bloodieous Hands?
3.During on the desk,
In the past that said According to the procedure,
Where is the reports to where there have make guilty?
Where is the procedure?
Where is the Contract?
Where the prime witness?
Where is the Chinese dinner at in the table and alpine purist water!
4.During on the desk,
Two were declared damage reports!
But the villagers!
5.During on the desk is during on the desk!

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