Ma'arab Hanif

Ma'arab Hanif Poems

The way you love me dear,
Makes me feel so ever free.
You've changed my whole world,
Both by touch and verbally.

The Best Poem Of Ma'arab Hanif

The Way You Love Me

The way you love me dear,
Makes me feel so ever free.
You've changed my whole world,
Both by touch and verbally.

Every time you hold me tighter,
Makes my soul shine even brighter.

Every time you tell me 'I love you',
Simply lifts me up from the blue.

By the way you look at me,
You make me realize,
That your love is so pure,
And need not any disguise.

Your smile gives me this feeling,
It's life I start to believe in.

These hands with which you do me tasks,
And in return never anything you ask.

By the way you give me a kiss,
All worries go away and I'm in bliss.

Your presence with me,
Gives me this relief,
There's someone to love me,
And share all the grief.

Your fingers when touch my face,
Simply defines your magic, your grace.

With your sweet and lovely styles,
You've turned my frowns into smiles.

The way you always greet me,
Tired when I'm back home,
To make me feel happy,
Is I think what you've sworn.

It's the power of love you hold within you,
It's the way you love me that I love you.

Copyrights © Ma'arab

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