Macwolls Kay Poems

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Sleeping Beauty

Her beauty lies buried beneath
Joyful moments memories of her past
Her days were splendid her nights supreme
Her children strolling on dustless streets,


First it was the balla shark who leaped out of the bowl,
Then the gold fish who floated to the top
Now this betta has lost her shine
And sank all the way to the bottom

What's In A Poem?

A poem is a picture seen through words
A jig-saw puzzle with a thousand pieces,
Every word and phrase distinctively defined.


He lives his life in wait for tomorrow
He hopes in it he will live a life fulfilled
He's hesitant to try, patiently waiting
He sees his fortune, it lies ahead.

Two Ravens

Upon a branch two ravens perched,
All tensed up and filled with fury.
Then in an instant a bout ensued,
They tussled and tangled as they spiraled to the ground.

The Letter

I penned a letter to a friend
Upon this pen a feather stood
Gentle strokes like a serpents glide
Meandering like the morning Nile.

One By One

Some are rich and others poor,
Some are bright and others dull,
Some make the cut while others fail,
I see them come in one by one.

Her Smile

Her Smile

She had a smile not seen before,
It shined so bright it brightened her face,

Broken Heart

Broken Heart

He passes by and gets your look,
You reach out and follow through,

A Lover's Fight

Sweet sixteen, she had a dream
Fast asleep her mind a drift
A handsome prince comes riding by
In his arms, to the palace,

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