Madelaine Winchester

Madelaine Winchester Poems

Sometimes I feel depressed
With no luck, nor rest
These idiots I think less
This building of stress

The Best Poem Of Madelaine Winchester

This Bubble

Sometimes I feel depressed
With no luck, nor rest
These idiots I think less
This building of stress
This bubble I feel,
Has become a suffocating shield
I cannot break or peel
While I watch and seal,
My true feelings from the world
The piercing glances they hurl
My fingers I curl
My head it whirls,
With things I want to say
But what's the price to pay?
Will they turn away?
Will they think 'Thats gay'?
This circle I want to break
More friends I want to make
Without being fake
Being able to take,
More chances and make mistakes
I want to be me
No longer having to flee
I want to be free
I only hold the key.

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