Madysen Henry

Madysen Henry Poems

I wanna die,
So I cry,
I want to cut,
Because I'm in a rut,

You are loved
More than you know
You are loved
By me

The Best Poem Of Madysen Henry

I Wanna Die

I wanna die,
So I cry,
I want to cut,
Because I'm in a rut,
I have been neglected,
So I don't want to be protected,
I'm not okay,
But it's another day,
It is just getting worse,
So I curse,
Maybe I am alive,
For I need to strive,
At home because I need to motivate,
Myself to lose some weight,
I do this with no food,
Which is not good,
So I decide to eat,
Because I have to beat,
The demon who is killing me,
And I plea,
But it doesn't work,
Because the want to die still lurks.

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