Mahfooz Ali Poems

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Thank You Mom.

Thank you for a childhood others only dream of,
Thank you for the hugs and kisses, the discipline and love.
Thank you for the breakfast, lunch, and dinners,
for all those many (fourteen) years,

What If?

What if the world lived in peace?
And all the sheep had perfect fleece?
What if there were no wars?
Would this world be such a bore?

Sunset Sweeps Across The Sky.

Sunset sweeps across the sky,
Hues of gentle face.
Blues of brilliant tones,
Obscure the night's approach.

Hey! What Happned To Me.....

I looked in the mirror
And what did I see
A grown man, is that me?
What happened to the past

The Only Thing I Wanted To Do...Is Love....

I know things are different now
We are living separate lives,
Even though our lives have changed
I still think of you as mine.

What Pappu Saw? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

At Mass, young Pappu and his parents,
Richly attired, and among elite,
Were seated in reserved pews near the altar,
While some of his father's workers stood at the rear.

Remember My Words

People are sick, starving, and poor,
afraid to come out in the day.
Afraid they will get struck down in their door,
afraid doctors won't find a way.

Loving You Is A Sin

My heart does cry with blood
My eyes do tear with pain
My feet tremble with fear
Everyday it's hate I gain

My First New Car

I will never forget the day I bought my first new car,
And had a date with a girl that lived not too far,
We drove out into the suburbs and parked under a full moon,
And listened to the car radio play a brand new tune,

Mother: I Wished You Were Here.

Mother, dear, I wished you were here,
To hear me sing from in the wing,
Wherever you are,
Near or far,

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