Mal Sealy

Mal Sealy Poems

The dry withered gnarled threadworn leaf hung uncertainly..
Its time unmercifully left wanting.
Natures subtle hand..
A soft breeze, an unannounced brush

No words can say..
This heart aches,
attached to shared memories..
No words..

Wish i was with tonight!
Shadowed each we have..
These years..
Token gift of thrrness.


The stench of terror lingers..
Oh so far, the patterns reach.

A freedomed grey landscape.

A bleak moon surfaced out post.

The Winds
Stoically letting go..
The freedom of knowing..
The freedom of not contesting.


Lostness's duality
Rained down upon..
Clandestine servitude

Traditions broke a level of Woke-
Promised PC vengeance-
Super chickens self declared!
Fabricated ointment

Contrived Durability indentured horticulturists
Orchestraters a coming
Defensive Architects plotting

To feel this majesty! ! !
majestically ripened In.
Dimensional cascades
A kind of return! ?

Unknown Ancestry
Innocently draped
Knee length boots sourced
Sweetness's honey'ed bee's carried,

What is it..?
The faceless men unseen
Hindered/blocked entities
Greeds black goo stenched grip

Brinkmanship at borders...
Present to the last gasp...
Deaths door enraptured! ! !
Retreated gorilla tactics...

My Ancestors; Oh how over the ages.
My blood! Oh where from you?
were you pure? I am not pure! !
My Ancestors killed each other!

The creators, for so many.
The Be-end for all.
bleedingly innocent destruction...
Timed organised designed, selfishness..

Blue collar work

Banded together..
Battled through,


The force within, seeded.
Seated! Docked at Berth
Canal-led from the Waters
Unbroken flow-felled.

Presence's duality thief caught
Dual danced Oneness.
Marched decadence
drunk in line paced.

Lobbyists Trolls clickety click
virtual influence-seeds planted.
War fare's rubber bullets.
Man-complete..cut and thrust...

Yum U bullets
Coated bliss drops
Fireflies of the night
Pronouncing life's cycles

The Best Poem Of Mal Sealy

The Pleasing

The dry withered gnarled threadworn leaf hung uncertainly..
Its time unmercifully left wanting.
Natures subtle hand..
A soft breeze, an unannounced brush
Condemning the leaf: -
servitude served.
The brush...too, belatedly waited..
Thankfulness aired...
Lighted warmth fragrances nuance.
An acknowledgment In Thatness..
No words,
Utterances wavelength the Word!

And mans choice! ! !
To aide both parties...?
His choice!
To reach a hand up...
To free that leaf...
To lighten the burden of that brush...
To see the promotion of the new..
His unselfishly, unyearningly free! ! !
Third party preemptive interaction!
Reciprocated efforts waged

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