Malachi Harris

Malachi Harris Poems

I love you
You hate me
Whats the difference?
We do bad things knowing the consequences


That day last year when my sister died
Never so much i have cried
Her pretty brown hair and innocent green eyes
Made her the middle of my life

My mind races through death and tragedy
Casket dreams come to me
Although im afraid to die demons come to me dreadfully
Begging me to end my so perfect life

The Best Poem Of Malachi Harris

Love Hate

I love you
You hate me
Whats the difference?
We do bad things knowing the consequences
Hate is be strong but love is stronger
It is more beautiful and last much longer
Two wrongs dont make a right
But i shall never die without a fight
You are my biggest love
In your eyes i may be a demon but in mine your a dove
Swans start off ugly but become beautiful
Just like me and you
One day we will build that vibe of being close
But today is not that time
I will never stop loving you like a lemon and a lime.

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