Malong David Kuok

Malong David Kuok Poems

I am the child
Yes the child,
Lost in the unnecessary battle fields
Hoping to have a vision

I call her wounder!
When I look at her eyes,
I feel like an ocean boiling
With a steeming heat

Malong David Kuok Biography

Pan-Africanist | CEO & Founder of African Patriots | Legal Scholar | Activist | Animator)

The Best Poem Of Malong David Kuok

Lost Vision

I am the child
Yes the child,
Lost in the unnecessary battle fields
Hoping to have a vision
Am now thinking of a new mission
That's home
May I please have your permission!
If yes, that's my formation

My youthful vision that was taken
Away cause of one's personal
Ambitions that caused thousands
If not millions
Of visions lost!
No Life, No Vision

Peace is my only dream
As I stand with all refugees
Around the World
Africa at peace
Is World at Peace

Malong David Kuok Comments

Malong David Kuok Quotes

"Being African is morer than a blessing"

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