manju shree

manju shree Poems

Everyday i wear mask,
considering what others ask,
that of a wife, mother, sister and daughter,
changing it from hour to hour.

Under guns and their shadows
amidst men and women and children
life spirit lessens,
innocence suffers,

Thousand memories flood the mind,
retelling the unfinished tale,
reminding the incomplete love,
rewinding the half heard song,

People call me prodigal
why exactly I know not
for having lived with some one they love not?
for doing the forbidden things they like not?

Beside the screen of green hills,
below the floating white clouds,
stands the tulips,
dipped in dazzled hues.


he becomes hotter and hotter,
waiting for her to be heated up.
she swallows the heat,
sends it to her womb,

The Best Poem Of manju shree

Me And My Mask

Everyday i wear mask,
considering what others ask,
that of a wife, mother, sister and daughter,
changing it from hour to hour.

Removing and unremoving hardly takes a minute,
for now i am an expert in the act.
Mask swapping is my nature now,
its no longer a business new.

Where am i in these?
lost in the divided loyalties,
torn in different worlds.

Many masks wear i at a time,
depending on the role i perform.
Which is the mask for myself?
if i think it loud, i know i will be labeled selfish.

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