maqsood hasni

maqsood hasni Poems


It will be a misfortune
But whenever by chance,

وقت کیسا انقلاب لایا ہے

وقت کیسا عذاب لایا ہے

ونڈ دا چانن

اکھیں ویکھیا
دل نئیں من دا

ویلے دا پیر

سچ نوں کوئی نئیں مندا
سچ دی کوئی نئیں مندا


God created man and sky
Man to bow and bestow


Black and white
Met on a table


Life could not be seen from one angle
All results, at present


In the place of blue sky
Smoke and clouds too


Why people hate black?

Should it necessary to talk
How can words reflect inner's happening?

If Doubt Appears

If doubt appears
All colors leave color

When eyes refuse to fall a single drop
Valises of heart become brine
Faith seasons wear torn sakaaf
There eyes tickle down abhor smoke


When stars appear in the blue eyes
Moon refuses to face blue and black


I saw a land,
Where man was not man


In the past, when ever
Clouds come on sky


Should it necessary
Beef and butter for poor

حرص کی رم جم

حرص کی رم جم میں
ملاں پنڈت


The cup which hasn't tea
Lips never touch its brim


On a white paper
He wrote with red ink


When stars spread over the sky
I often think,

maqsood hasni Biography

Mr Urdu, life and his work By: Prof. Syed Mohammad Raza Madni Principal Govt. College. Minchana'abad Pakistan Contents 1. Preface 2. a. An Introduction to Prof. Mr. Urdu Maqsood Hasni (PhD) b. People says 3. Search Engine Results 4. Links 112 articles 5. Books publisied by Mr. Urdu 6. A short list of published papers 7.Books on internet 8. Books complied by: Prof. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (PhD) 9. Published Work on Maqsood Hasni by different quaters: a. by Prof. Younis Hassan (M.A.MPhiL) b. by Prof. Niamat Ali (M.A., MPhiL) c. by Prof. Arshad Shahid (MPhil, PhD) d. by Prof. Ata-ur-Rehman (MPhil, PhD) 11. Work or comments on Mr. Urdu research work/publications 12. Award 12. Translation 13. Viewers on Preface H/E Mr.Urdu Professor Maqsood Hasni Ph.D., is a big gun in the world of writing. Many scholars and critics have spoken to Mr.Urdu work. Mr.Urdu began his career as an author writing short stories in 1966. At that time, He was a school going boy. A few years later, he appeared in the literary world as a Urdu poet. He has an excellent ability in potic language of Urdu, Punjabi, Saraki Pothohari and English. A lover of poetry may find his100s poems in these languages on different places of in-ternet. One thing to remember here that Mr.Urdu can not walk for a long time in one place and always feel like eassy and do his work in various truths of human life, human nature, human history, Ghalibyaat, Iqbalyaat, Language, Culture, Phycalogy, curent affairs, medical affairs spirtualism law and regulations. Not only that, it's an aplication A class writer. He could try eassily points for the use in court decions. The people depend on and trust for his court or official writings. God knows how many quailties best he has. He is a wonderful spokes-man.. Mr. Urdu is basically Muslim, but not rigred still believes in it. He loves the man and respect him without knowing who it is of religion or belief. He respected all religions. According to him, every religion is fundamentally a question of truth, but their religious person does regird tham strange uneassy painful and difficult. He says that God's religion is very simple talented and according to the human nature. Man is, in fact, God's best creation and respectable who deserves love, respect, and each type of aid for cultural events, economic and social. Help should be to provided him for each project at any stage of life. Mr. Urdu have a deep care of every human being. He often said that men should live as a string. According to his view that the selfesh elements, the Crown and its bad sevents and religious people are not in favor of human unity, because they alaway think from abdomen, but not from brain. Mr. Urdu has willed that man should live together without distinction of color and race, because all are in reality, a man daughters and sons. They have the same needs, desires and other life requirements. He insisted that every man has received a special gift from God, but sefish elements use their talent. Brain of these talented people are mainly used for the safty of the chair. Crown/Chair has to do nothing, but these people work for them because they want to satisfy their materlistic needs. This talent should be used to improve the humaity. They can be done a lot for human beings. He said Adam (AS) and his Eve were not the first human on earth and life was not starting from Adam and his Eve. He was a Khalifa of men on the ground before him. This is a great need to find out his ancestors, and researcher should also do research his tribe. Mr. Urdu by logic and with references proved his claim. Mr. Urdu said that Eve was not the only wife of Adam. Lalith (word meaning arbaic lail night, Azmat) The name of the third one is still undescoved. There were 120 sons and daughters of Adam. Five migrated to Hindustan and preach there the religion of their father. Mr. Urdu thoughts completely different from the Urdu language researchers. He expressed that this language was the spoken language of the subcontinent before Hazrat Hind bin Hazrat Ha'am bin Hazrat Nuh (AS) . However, it improved during the period of Hazrat Hind Bin Hazrat Ha'am. This language has had many names and writing multiple scenarios. It currently has three scripts: 1. Nastaleeq (Urdu) . 2. Dev Nagri 3. Romain. In fact, this language instent everyday language, but have different ways of writing. Urdu name became famous after the period of Ustad Mirza Ghalib. Movement of Pakistan have shaped this name. It was decided during the period of Baba Quiad Azam that Pakistan's national language will be Urdu. However, the Muslims of the subcontinent were writing their ideas in the script Nastaleeq. Muslims provided thousands of words in Arabic, Persion, Turkish, .Pushto etc language, but that does not mean that this language is the only language for muslims. A person who writes in Dev Nagri script can understand Urdu in Roman the other hand a person who writes the scripts nastaleeq eassily can understand Hindi Roman. Mr. Urdu said that this language can not be created or improved in two or three centreies but this process takes thounsands years. It is our falt that we can not read other scripts. Hazrat Hind bin Hazrat Ha'am is the ancestor of all Indians. Hindustan took the form of Hind-suntan (Hind's son or daugher) . World Hind is not Sami but purely Ha'ami. This word emigrated to Arab from Hindustan. Mr. Urdu argued that the tomb of Hazrat Hind is still in Availabale at Baras (Sar'hind) . The reader can find many new things in his writings. Here I have chosen 100 articles collected from different websides. I hope people who have good taste in the arts, will appreciate my work. Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Qazi, Prof. Niamat Ali, Prof. Younis Hassan, Prof. Arshad Shahid and many others have followed his work and won good fame. Dr. Wafa Rashdi, Dr. Bai'dil Haidri, Dr. Syed Moeen-ur-Rehman, Dr. Tabasam Kashmir, Dr. Sabir Afaqi, Dr. Abu Sulman Shajahanpuri, Taj Piyami, Dr. Abdul Qavi Zia, Dr. Abu Saeed Noor-u- Din, Dr. Qasim Dehlvi, Dr. Ghulam Shabir Rana, Dr. Najeeb Jamal, Dr. Mohammad Amin, Dr. Khawaja Hamid Yazdani, Dr. Gohar Noshahi, Dr.Akhtar Shumarand many more great cretics have written extensively on his work. More than 50,000 letters of experts from different fields have conved him apprecication. I am grateful to Dr. Mohammad Abdullah Qazi, Prof. Younis Hassan and Prof. Ali Niamat who helped me in compleation of this research task. An Introduction to Prof. Mr. Urdu Maqsood Hasni (PhD) Maqsood Hasni was born in1951, at Islam Pura Tehsil and Distt. Kasur. His father, Syed Ghulam Hazoor Shah, was a Punjabi Sufi poet. He got his early education from his father. He got his master degrees in Urdu, Political Science, Economics and History from the Punjab University. He passed his M.Phil (Urdu) from Allama Iqbal Open University. He got his Doctorate in linguistics from USA Along with this bright academic career, he has a very long and vast career as a journalist. Hundreds of his essays have been published in various journals and newspapers. As a poet, short story writer, humorist, linguistic, critic, researcher, Ghalib expert, Iqbal expert he wrote nineteen books. He tested his mettle in poetry in different languages and dialects (Urdu, English, Punjabi, Gojri, Pothuhari, etc.) He has a long, bright career as an educationist comprising twenty three years. Researchers’ and Critics’ Views of Maqsood Hasni Maqsood Hasni is counted among those researchers, creative artists and critics who have the trend of breaking traditions with logic and reasoning. His voyage of researches and criticism has been passing through evolution for the last two decades and it involves the changing circumstance and contemporary demands. The angles of his researches and critical thought have been extending. In view of it, not only awareness is gained about the factors and the traditions of research and criticism that has developed in the sub-continent, but help is also obtained in understanding the new models of inter- national researches and criticism along with the modern thought. He has shattered the idols of tradition worshipping and has adopted the trend of evaluating the literary pieces with new references and from different angles which has blessed the literary pieces with respectable status. The attitudes and facts, with which Maqsood Hasni is linked with respect to his research and critical references, are directly related with social and cultural values. His research and critical approach seem the real reflection of human life, no part or aspect of which is meaningless or absurd. Differences can be made with reference to his research and critical work, but the importance and utility of the bases and aspects, with reference to which he has worked in the field of research and criticism, cannot be denied. He left behind the presumption and commenced his voyage of research keeping in view life and the alive facts. He has falsified the unreal and conceptual aspects, ideas and thoughts. He has presented logical and strong arguments in this regard that cannot be ignored. We cannot keep our eyes off the scenario of modern ideas in which he has evaluated the masterpieces of international writes. In this regard, he has been criticized again and again. But he never compromised on principles and this very fact has blessed his research and critical work with newness and recognition. As a creative writer, he has tested his mettle in different genre which, along with others, includes short-story writing and poetry especially. His work in these two types needs no introduction. As a poet and short -story writer, he has made the suffering of man the subject of his writing and tried to show the different shades and angles with reference to class distinction. His story-writing and poetry are linked with uncountable directions and aspects of human sense and social and cultural life. His study as a creative writer makes the reader conscious of such a litterature as carry the surging emotions of love and peace in his heart. He wants to see the world as beautiful as it can be. Therefore he looks like a voyager of dreamland who laughs at the deficiencies and inequalities of men keeping in mind the romantic concepts. These things seem opposite to each other but the fact is the same. Along with fantasies, he is attached with the miseries of man. As a litterature, his relation never breaks with fantasies and facts. In short, Maqood Hasni’s English poetry is an addition to English literature about which it is said in Continuum: 'It is a literature of myth and legend, kings and kingdoms, chivalry and romance; it is a literature of voyage and discovery, colcnization and empire, war and retribution; it is a literature of tradition and transition, diversity and assimilation, promise and compromise'. What the present critics think about Maqsood Hasni and his creative work can be viewed in the scenario of their opinions. Their views have been collected from the letters, essays, newspapers, journals etc written with regards to his books. I have tried my best to arrange them in apple pie order. In the scenario of these comments, the status of Maqsood Hasni as a critic, creative artist and researcher becomes evident. (1) Oot Say The 'Oot Say', is the name of his poetic collection. Its study shows that the poet has kept nothing hidden rather expressed each and everything openly and in a clear cut way. He voices each thing not from behind the screen but in an obvious way. He expresses his thoughts with extreme sympathy, pathos and passions. Evidently the poems are short and sentences brief, but intrinsically, the poems and sentences are very lofty and stalwart. They are not lines but red roses, delicate the touch, charming to see, refreshing to smell. But in their effectiveness, they are just like flickering flames, the burns of miserable hearts, and the fire bombs for the world of oppression and suppression. (Prof Dr Farman Fateh Puri. Karachi, letter write on 5th June 1991) (2) Lisanyat-e- Ghalib (Ghalib’s Linguistics) As Mark Aronoff and Janie Rees-Miller opine: 'Literature is a special kind of herbal behavior, and hence of interest to linguistics', Maqsood Hasni developed a special interest in Ghalib’s linguistics. The opinions of some renowned scholars are as under: (A) Even the first glances of your writing 'Lisanyat-e- Ghalib' makes us realize that you have a special taste for linguistics and you have a deep insight in Ghalib’s linguistics. Its study helps us estimate your literary taste, far reaching sight and tiresome effort of research work. And it showed the future of literature and research is safe in the hands of and critics and intellectuals like you. Dr.Abou Suluman Shah Jehan Puri, Letter: 19 July,1999) (B) .Maqsood Hasni’s book 'Lisanyat-e-Ghalib' is very extensive and useful in this regard. This research rises from Ghalib’s text. It can be regarded as Galib’s fortune to have an industrious text expert like Maqsood Hasni. (Prof. Dr. Syed Moeen-ur-Rehman Letter: 14 Nov,1998) (C) In 'Lisanyat-e-Ghalib' Maqsood Hasni has studied Ghalib’s linguistics with reference to his poetry. It sis a new aspect of understanding Ghalib that is so colorful with respect to its scenario. (Adeeb Sohail, Qami Zuban Oct 1999) (3) 'Sheryat-e- Khayyam' Maqsood Hasni’s work is praiseworthy, first of all, with the respect that he has discussed some new aspects of Umar Khayyam. Secondly, it is not less than an uphill task to keep the stream of criticism continue even when one is living in suburbs of centers. Maqsood Hasni has in 'Sharyat-e-Khayyam' translated umar Khayyam’s Rubies (Quadrats) into three lined stanzas. (Tanveer Abbas Naqvi column Sr-e-Sham Lahore) (4) German Shaery Kay Fikri Zaviya (Intellectual Angles of German Poetry) (A) . I had to study the 'German Shaery Kay Fikri Zaviya' with deep attention. Your way of argumentation amused me very much. Your style is very charming that one can go through the whole book without any tiredness. (Dr. Muneer-ud-Din Ahmad, Germany. Letter: 23 June,1993) (B) Hasni has written about peace, dignity of man, life and human values by presenting pieces from German poetry. Another remarkable action he has done is that along with German poetry he has presented examples from Urdu and other local languages. In this way, the reader finds it easy to make the comparative study of the poetry in the two countries: Pakistan Germany. (Dr. Sabir Aafaqi (Review) TAjleeb-e-Noa February 1994) (5) Urdu Maen Nai Nazm A) .You have comprehensively encompassed the new poems in Urdu. I appreciate your critical approach. I congratulate you on the publication of this thought provoking book. (Asharperbhat, India letter 9th Nov,1993) B) You have worked very diligently. You have a strong grip on the subject and your statement is sustained by arguments. You have highlighted all the positive and negative aspects with respect to this new genre. I think nobody else has discussed the topic so extensively before you. Congratulations! (Dr. Abou Sayeed Noor-u- Din, Dhaka, Bengla Desh. Letter: 26 Jan,1993) (6) Urdu Shaery, Fikiri-o-Lasani Raviyyay (Intellectual and linguistic attitudes in Urdu poetry) The 'Urdu Shaer, Fikri wa Lasani Raviyyay' is the exhibition of complete grip of the competent writer on the ideological and practical criticism. The evolution of criticism is it distinctive quality. Prof. Hasni has multiplied the importance of this book by bringing into action the moral, psychological, social, aesthetical and formative criticism. It can be asserted without the fear of any refuel that the wealth of Urdu criticism has made progress by the addition of this high leveled writing. (Prof.Ghulam Shabbir Rana Commentary 'Mah-e-Nau'1998) (7) Asool aur Jaezay (Principles and Criticism) 'Asool aur Jaezay' is the latest writing of Maqsood Hasni. The main characteristic of this book is that he never parts with honesty. Secondly, so much material has been collected in this middle level book that it has become a treasure of information for the new learners. And it provides an honest guidance to the critical minded men. (Dr. Baidal Haidery Kabeer Wala, Letter: 17 June,1998.) (8) Supnay Agley Pehar Kay (Dreams of the Early Time) Maqsood Hasni is such a young writer as ever showers fire from his pen. He has performed his role by bringing into the boundary of his writing the uncountable problems wide spread in the society. His essays and poems have the same tone and that tone is very live. The originality in his thought can be seen with all its energies. Maqsood Hasni’s effort in writing prose hyko is praise worthy. His hyko will prove the milestone between the prose- poem and hyko. In brief, Maqsood Hasni’s effective voice and his progressive mind shall affects the persons having the poetic taste. (Dr.Akhtar Shumar, Editor Magazine daily 'Aftab' Lahore 6Sep,1989) (9) Tehrikat –e-Urdu Adab (Movements in the Urdu Literature) Tehrikat-e-Urdu Adab written by Maqood Hasni on Urdu literature and the movements in the Urdu literature is a book of permanent reference for the research students. (Dr.Wafa Rashdi, Quomi Zuban July,1997) (10) Baigumi Tajarba (Wife Experience) 'Baigumi Tajarba' written by respectable Maqsood Hasni has come before the world in the form of humor and satire. What is the matrimonial experience? This book is, in fact, the solution to all the problems. I was wonder struck after reading it that a such being exists among as has so much knowledge, experience of world, observation, and study in him. (Mehar Kachailwy weekly 'Aurat' Mirpur Khas Sindh 18 Nov,1993) (11) Ghalib aur Us Ka Ehad (Ghalib and His Age) 'Ghalib aur Us Ka Ehad' passed before my eyes. For writing this book, the writer went through more than fifty books. The book gives us an estimation of the hard work made by the writer in composing it. A lot has been written on Ghalib. In this case there was no evident need to write this book. But the deep study of the book falsifies the idea. This research book by Maqsood Hasni contains interest. And it opens new facts of Ghalib’s poetry for a common reader. (Prof. Dr. Khawaja Hamid Yazdani Lahore. Letter: 21 Apr,1994) (12) Sooraj Ko Roak Lo (Stop the Sun) 'Sooraj Ko Roak Lo' Maqsood Hasni’s poetry is the poetry of a peculiar creative minded poet of the present age. The triangle of self, environment and universe is the base of his thought provoking and creative trends. He knows the art of feeling the problems of life. Rare images, metaphors and symbols have blessed his poetry with freshness and vigor. His poetry, no doubt, is a sound voice of the preset age. (Dr. Gohar Noshahi Muktadra Quomi Zuban Islam Abad. Letter: 18Sept,1991) (13) Sheryat –e- Shark -o- Garb (Poetry of East and West) 'Sheryat –e-Shark-o-Garb' Provides with a sense of Maqsood Hasni’s critical and creative evolution. And this thing blesses him with a distinctive position among other researchers and critics of his age. 'Sheryat-e- Shark-o-Garb' is a combination of such essays as awaken our insight. The new themes, their novelty and their vastness can be well estimated by the variety of their headings. (Dr.Wafa Rashidi, Mahnama Nawa-e-Pathan. August,1999) (14) Takhliqi WA Tankidi Zaviay (Creative and critical Angles) 'Takhliqi wa Tankidi Zaviay' is a combination of eighteen essays written by Maqsood Hasni on the subjects of literary creativity and literary criticism. Hasni has penned down different aspects of literature. I agree to the thought presented by the writer. He presents his thoughts in his own words. He never walks on the path of arts with the borrowed crutches. The names of well known scholars are seldom found in his writings. Without the prop of other scholars’ supporting thoughts, he makes his point clear to the reader with the might of the own words and it is the climax of art. Worthy to be applauded. (Dr. Wafa Rashidi Karachi. June,1994) (15) Sitar-e-Bunti Ankhein (Stars Weaving Eyes) I also accept that creation is creation and translation is translation.But a translator can translate one thing in hundreds of ways. It is possible if the translator has knowledge, insight, intuition and language and he also roasts idioms in the stale translation may look like a creation. So the work has been performed by Maqood Hasni very well in his book 'Sitar-e-Bunti Ankhein' which is a translation of Turk poetry. (Dr.Baidal Haidery Kabeer Wala. Letter: 19 June,1998) (16) Zard Kajal (Yellow ……….) 'Zard Kajal' is a combination of Maqsood Hasni’s short stories. Its study opens a number of social knots. And the reader feels easy when he understands the comparison of some social conditions and concepts of the East and those of the west. The writer has tried to propagate the trend of realism with the indication of the new trend and moves instead of the old concepts. (Seikh Altaf-ul-Allah, Sanam International Lahore. Feb,1993) (17) Munir-ud-Din Kay Afsanay (Short Stories of Munir-ud-Din) In the book in hand, Maqsood Hasni has presented the critical study of the short stories by Munir. He has neither mental miserliness nor lack of diligence. It is the peculiar characteristic of Hasni’s personality. That why his each new piece of work is welcomed with pure heart and sincere passions. This time this welcome is being made an organized way. (Prof.Amjad Ali Shaker.30 Dec,1993) (18) Jis Hath Mein Lathi (The Hand that has a Stick/Lathi) I received three books from you. Jis Hath Mean Lathi, Tehkiq aur Tankidi Zaviay, Galib aur Us ka Ehed. I am thankful for that. All three of these books are very useful, and directly effective. The style of writing has widened your circle of readers. (Akbar Hamidi, Urdu Department, Islamabad College. Letter: 24 Apr,1994) (19) WO Akaili Thi (She was Alone) Maqsood Hasni is a well known name is the present age short writing. 'Wo Akaili Thi' has fifteen short stories. Most of the short stories had already been published in different journals before 1997. At that time, Hasni Sahib’s pen name was Qazi Jarar Hasni. In the short stories, like every sensitive writer, the sorrow of the present age can be found. He has pasteurized the anxieties wide spread around him. It is no doubt a praiseworthy task. (Weekly Family Magazine Lahore.28 Apr to 4 May,1992) In the light of the above mentioned arguments and comments, it comes crystal clear that Maqsood Hasni can boast of a high status as a critic, researcher and creator. He shatters the old moulds of measuring the beauty and quantity of some piece of writing and formulates new meters for the measurement of literary writing. He is no where seen impressed by the western thought or approach. He is the originator in his field. He can be regarded as the pioneer of a vast coming era. The circle of his readers and critics will go on widening with the passage of time. In the coming years he will become a bright star in the limitless sky of literature. His repute with not remain confined to Urdu but will spread to all the world languages. He will never die in Urdu Adab. He has devoted all his life to literature and he can be rightly called the martyr of Urdu literature. His work on Galib finds no peer near him. He has become a living example of: Ranjah Ranjah ker di ne maen aapay Ranjah hoei And in Galib’s own words: Aisa kahan say laoun keh tujh sa kahain jisay By Prof. niamat Ali (http: // People says about Maqsood Hasni Wahyu Surono Kebumen He is very good leader. He is care person. Regina Dias Vitória Maqsood The best thing about it is to be a sweet person and very intelligent, that although you met him recently I have great admiration. Abdull Salam Port Blair Janab.Maqsood hasni saheb is a pakistani gentleman of 60 yrs. from kasur who like religion and sprituality, like to spent time with family and like to attend wedings, he also like making fiends, he likes road trip and like to learn different languages, he also likes the sign language, he love reading and love poetry. he likes to walk especiall... Merz Merzz Lipa City I find you very gentleman.... a nice person to be friend with. Thank you for the rest assured that you also have a friend in me. God bless you in all your undertakings! ! ! Raisa Castell Quezon City well meeting mansood here is good... i knew i have a man with wisdom...So the first time that i saw ur profile i thought of having this man a a can explain urself the way you wanted it to be..a man if integrity as i see... and a loving side too... Keep doin the right thing... and bein true to yourself your stregnth... raisa Search Engine Results result 60100 result 27700 resut 016100 0 7180 result 09250 result 01930 results 01450 images result 02530 Links 112 articles 1. Amrika ki pagloun se jang chirnay wali hai April3,2012 http: // 2. Aql ilm aur habibi adaroun ka qiyam March 21,2012 http: // 3.Es azab ka zikr Qurane-majeed main mojoud nahain March 17,2012 http: // 4.Lotay ki siyasi aur samaji zarorat March12,2012 http: // 5. Balochistan mojoda halaat aur amriki qarar'dad March 6,2012 http: // 6. Jurm ko qanoni haisiat daina na'insafi nahain Fur.25,2012 http: // 7. Jamhuriat kya hai, meaz afrad ka kam ya ziyada hona Feb.19,2012 http: // 8. Woh din kab aa'ay ga? Feb,12,2012 http: // 9. Qanoun zabtay aur noora game Feb.8,2012 http: // 10. Amiri main bhi shahi toam paida kar Jan.17,2012 http: // 11. Hum musalman kayoun hain kah hamare baap dada musalman thay Jan7,2012 http: // 12. Anni pe gaee ay Jan.1,2012 http: // 13. Sifar kuch bhi na ho kar bohat kuch hai hinsa bohat kuch ho kar 9 se ziyada nahain Dec7,2011 http: // 14. Shaed kisi ki koee samaeti hiss kaam kar dikha'ay Dec.3,2011 http: // 15. Bharat ko pasandida mulak qarar daine ka masla Nov.28,2011 http: // 16. Pakistan main pension ki hasuli ke masael Nov.7,2012 http: // 17. Taqat taire magar khoub'surat hath Oct.31,2012 http: // 18. Asambliyan totna masle ka hal nahain hai Oct.29,2011 http: // 19. Hajamat bai'sur ko sur main lati hai Oct.20,2011 http: // 20 Eak paya gari manzal par ponch pa'ay gi? ! Oct.17,2011 http: // 21. Suraj maghrab se nikalta hai Oct.13,2011 http: // 22. Ab daikhna yah hai Oct.4,2011 http: // 23 Yah balaein sadqa ko kha jati hain Oct.13,2011 http: // 24. Hazrat dangue shareef aur nafaz-e-Isam Sept.28,2011 http: // 25 Dangur, Dangue ki zad main Sept.27,2011 http: // 26. La'waris baba opar tha Sept25,2011 http: // 27 Fatwa darkar hai Sept16,2011 http: // 28. Baba chairta hai Sept.11,2011 http: // 29. Baba bolta hai Aug.31,2011 http: // 30. Mazhab aur haqouq ul ebad ki ehmiat http: // 31. Lafz Hind ki kahani Set.3,2010 'http: //' 32. Khuda bachao mohim aur talaq ka apshan ... 33. Yah bai'hissi kayoun? ! http: // 34. Yah Dehshat'gard hain? ! t=62461 showtopic=8945 35.. Moashi qatil-e-aam katoun? ! showtopic=8973 36. Taraqi ke liay mojoda talimi nazaam main tabdili ki zarourat showtopic=8952 37. Danish pare 38. Urdu haiku halaat tajarbaat aur tagheraat 39. Hamare lodhi sahib aur amrika ki dou dosairiyaan 40. Pehla Adam koun tha? ! 41 Izhaar par pabandi khatar'nak hoti hai http: // http: // topic=149104.0#ixzz1rGQK... 42 Angraizi ke urdu par lisani asraat http: // 43. Kya angraizi aate kal ko kurra-e-arz ki zoban ho gi? ! http: // 44. Lisanyaat say motalaq kuch sawal jawab http: // 45. Moawan anasar kay paish nazar mazeed haroof ki tashkeel http: // 46. Hindustani aur os ki lisani hadood http: // http: // 47. Insan janwar ya os ki koe taraqi'yafta surat 48. Angraizi donyaan ki behtarein zoban nahain hai - - action=profile; u...; sa 49. Hindavi tarikh aur haqaeq kay aaena main articleid=1442000 50. Urdu ke rasam ul khat ka masla http: // http: // f=9&t=2248 - 51. Japni main mokhtib karna August 2009 http: // 52. Sakhtyat Ka Daera-e-kar, Assool Or Hadood Eak Jaeza http: // 53.Aman kay liay kya qatl-o-gharit zarori hai? ! http: // id=1689 54.Suraj maghrab senikalta hai(1,2) http: // t=77125 http: // t=77126 55. Hindustani http: // 56.Namabar qabal-e-itbar nahain raha June 10,2011,01: 55: 02 PM http: // action=profile; u=164313; ... 57.Daftar shahi main kalay goray ki tafreeq aaj ka ahum masla June 17,2011,01: 53: 16 PM http: // topic=209867.0 58. lafz ki wapsi Feb.2,2008 http: // 59.Adliya ke waqar ki bahali aaj ki pehli zarorat http: //عدلیہ-Ú©Û’-وقار-Ú©ÛŒ-بØالی-پہلی-اور-آخری-ضرورت-270147/ 60.Awami masael aur beorokaraisi http: //عوامی-نماءیندے-مساءل-اور-بیورو-کریسی-270144/ 61.East Punjab and Sikh Bradri http: // 62.Nasar paray 63. Load sheding ki barkaat http: // 64.khat, aaein aur adam tahafaz ka ehsas http: // 65. Pakistan dushmun apne ya gher? ! http: // 66. Bhagwan'saz kami kamein kayoun ho jata hai? ! http: // 67.khaee bhali kah mae http: // showtopic=8955 68. Wo din gay jab bai'diay bhala hota tha http: // showtopic=8949 69. Qiyamat abhi tak tali hoe hai http: // showtopic=8951 70. kiya yah sab layaeni hai? ! http: // 71.Pushto ki char makhsous awazain http: // 72. Punjabi par arbi ke lisani asraat http: // 73. Languages need new letters for better expressions http: // 74.Languages get effect from local and foreign languages http: // 75. Why it learn Hindavi* under any other language? ! http: // 76. Sound shein is very common in the world languages http: // 77.Her gher fitri amal insaniat ka dushmun hai http: // 78. Sikhism Mazhab Ya Eak Sufi Sisala http: // 79.Talwar kay zour par kabhi kuch howa hai? ! http: // 80. Kiya onhain chop rehna chahiay? !… via @http: // 81. Hum aur hamara tehqiqi rovaeya http: // Hum_aur_hamara_tehqiqi_rovaeya&ar... 82.Aaqa Karim ki aamad 83. Insan aazad paida howa hai 84. Allah insan ki ghulami pasand nahain karta 85. Wasael aur oon ka mojoda andaz-e-tasaruf http: // 86. Jabr Zindagi Insan aur Asri taqazay 87. Musalman Koon Hain? ! 88. Janab G Singh-ji say eak Mokalma 89. Dehshat gardi ka khatma kayon'kar ho? ! (1,2) http: // 90. Jo larae ka sabab banta ho wo mazhab hi nahain 91. Eak karwa sach 92. Shrik eak mohlak aur khatar'nak bimari 93. Lut janay kay baad hosh aaya to kiya aaya? ! 94. Eak Jinsi Khilona 95. Hum'jinsi Insaniat ki Kholi Dushman 96. Aaj orat ko orat hi bacha sakti hai 97. Tajarbah aur-os ki ehmiat 98. logoun kay khalaaf oon kay apnoon ki eak khoof'naak sazesh 06-13-2010 http: // 99. Languages are by the man and for the man 100. Poet cannot keep himself aloof from the universe 1136469464 101. The Idiomatic Association of Urdu and English http: // 102. The strong thought makes odinary to a special one http: // t=46391 103. Awami namainday, masael aur burokaraisi http: // 104. Kya mula ka aein moat'tal ya chailanj ho chuka hai? ! http: //, p,1275252.html#1275252#ixzz1tM2UDDvG 105. Angraizi aur os ki hadoud http: // 106. Bar-e-sagher main badaisioun ki aamad aur os kay zobanoun par asraat http: // 107. Qoumoun ki taraqi oon ki apni zoban main hi momkin hai http: // 108. Urdu hai jis ka naam http: // 109. Awam shah ke daramoun ki zad main rahay hain http: //, p,1276155.html#1276155 110. Urdu main manzoum Sirat'nigari http: // ! ! ! . Billi ke gale main ghainti koun bhandhay http: // 112. Japani ka lisani nazam (1) http: // Books written by Mr Urdu A- 1- Poetry 3 Books 1- Oot say Sapnay aglay pehar kay Suraj ko rook lo 2- Short Stories 3 Books Zard kajil Woh akaili thi Jis hath main lathi 3- Tanz-o-maza 1 Book Baigmi tajarbah 4- Translation 2 Books Turk shaeri Rabayaat-e-khayam 5- Literary Research 11 Books Urdu main nae nazam German shaeri kay fikri zaviay Ghalib aur os ka ehad Takhliqi-o-tanqidi zaviay Munir ki afsana nigari- ek jaezah Shairyaat-e-khayaam Tehreqaat-e-urdu adab Shairyaat-e-Ghalib (lisani motalah) Shairyaat-e-sharaq-o-gharab Urdu shair- fiqri-o-lisani zaviay Asool aur jaezay A shor list Published Papers 1- Imagism aur Urdu Shaeri Monthly Mah-e-Neo Lahore Oct.1990 2- Wordsworth aur Urdu ki nae Shaeri Monthly Mah-e-Noe Lahore Jan.1993 3- Doctor Munir ka eak motaharak kirdar Monthly Mah-e-Noe Lahore Dec.1993 4- Dafatar aur samaji rovaeay Monthly Akhbar-e-Urdu Islamabad Agust.1991 5 Tahqeqi Moqala main hawasi ki ehmeat Monthly Akhbar-e-Urdu Islamabad Dec.1991 6- Angrayzi Qomi zoban ki rah ka pathar Monthly Akhbar-e-Urdu Islamabad Nov.1992 7- Achay tehqeqi moqala kay khasaes Monthly Akhbar-e-Urdu Islamabad Oct.1992 8- Sindhi Nasri shaeri ka motaliaa Monthly Noerang-eKheyal Rawalpindi V.69, Shamara No.790/1993 9-Shoukat Allahabadi ki Nateaa shaeri Monthly Alensan Karachi Dec.1995 10- 'Ya Abdul Baha'- - Tashrehi motaliaa Monthly Nafaat Lahore June-July 1996 11- 'Boof-e-Koor'- - -eak Tajzeaa Monthly Tafakhar Lahore March 1991 12- 'Kasrat-e-Nazara' (Dr. Sabar Aafaqi ka safar-Nama) Hazara Times Abattabad Oct.1997 13- Depti Nazir Ahamad kay Raenda-e-Dargha kirdar Monthly Aalamat Lahore June 1993 14- Zobanoon ki mushtarek morakab aavazain Monthly Qomi Zoban Karachi Shamara No.78 May 20006 15- Alfaz ki tarkeeb aur oon ki tafheem ka masla Monthly Sukhawar Karachi July 2000 16- Mehar kachilvi kay afsanay- - -Tanqedi motaleaa Quarterly Loh-e-Adab Hyderabad April to Sept.2004 17-Amman aur Shaeri Quarterly Serat-e-Adab Rawalpindi April to June 1993 18- Urdu ki mukhtasar kahani Ahal-e-Qalam Multan, Maktaba Ahal-e-Qalam Multan 1996 19- 'Asloob'- - Tanqedi Quarterly Sahifa LahoreJuly, Sept.1992 20- Debestan-e-Lakhnao ka Seyasi-o-Saqafti pas-e-Manzar Quarterly Sahifa Lahore July, Sept.1994 21- Dabestan-e-Deli ki taskeel kay moharkaat Quarterly Sahifa Lahore April, June 1995 22- Doctor Manir kay afsanay aur maghrabi taraz-e-hayaat Monthly Adab-e-Latif Lahore Jan.1994 23- Doctor Mohammad Amin ki Hyku nagari Monthly Adab-e-Latif Lahore Oct.1996 24- Paband aur aazad nazam kay fiqri aur fanni zaveay Monthly Sareer Karachi March 1991 25- Ghazal main haet kay tajarboon ki zaroorat Monthly Sareer Karachi Jan.1992 26- Nazir Ahamd kay kirdaroon ka tarekhi shaoor Monthly Sareer Karachi May 1992 27- Maghrab main shear kay nazreyati zaveay Monthly Sareer Karachi Saalnama Sareer 1993 28- Zarad Sitara Eak motaleaa Monthly Sareer Karachi Saal’nama 1993 29- Shaeri ka nazreaa-e-Mohabat Monthly Tajdeed-e-Neo Lahore April 1994 30- Urdu shaeri ki rovaet aur naee nazam Monthly Tajdeed-eNoe Lahore April 1996 31- Pitras kay qehqahoon ki sargozasht Monthly Tajdeed-e-Noe Lahore April 1993 32- Nazreaa-e-Pakistan aur Islami adab ki tashkeel Weakly Farogh Hyderabad (Four aqsaat) 10 Sept. to 18 Oct.1993 33- Adbi Tehqeeq main hawala sazi ki qabahat Weakly Mazdoor Lahore 10 Agst.1991 34- Shaer aur samaji reshtay Weakly Mazdoor Lahore 24 Nov.1990 35- Kareshan Chandar ki kirdar nigari Monthly Tehrerain Lahore June, July 1992 36- Hafeez Sadeqi kay das nateaa ashaar Monthly Tehrerain LahoreJuly 1994 37- Robaeyaat-e-Khayaam Monthly Tehrerain Lahore Dec.1995 38- 'Dastan-e-Wafa'- - Maloomaat ka khazena Monthl Urdu Adab Islamabad Nov. Dec.1997 39- Meray bazuragh meray hum assar—Eak jaeza Monthly Urdu Adab Islamabad April June 1996 40- Shahi ki shaeri, tehqeqi-o-tanqedi motaleaa 'Aladab' Islamia College Kasur Magazine 1997-1998 41- Doctor Gohar Noshahi kay tehqeqi-o-tanqedi nazreay 'Alada' Islamia College Kasur Magazine 1997-1998 42- Urdu aur os kay ezhari daeray 'Aladab' Islamia College Kasur 2006-2007 43 Raess Amrohi ki qata nigari Monthly Nawa-e-Phatan LahoreJune 2002 44- Qebla Syed Sahib kay Urdu navaz jumlay Monthly Nawa-e-Phatan Lahore July 2004 45- Urdu main zati mostamal aawazain Monthly Nawa-e-Phatan Lahore Agst.2006 46- Doctor Wafa Rashdi, Shakhaseet aur adbi khedmaat Monthly Nawa-e-Phatan Lahore April 1999 47- Matoon ki darjah bandi aur oon kay miyaraat Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Jan.2002 48- Tehqeeq main bunyadi aur sanvi makhzaat ki haseat Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Nov.2000 49- Abid Ansari- -Ehsas ka shaer Monthly Rashaat Lahore July 2004 50- Zobanoon main avazain giranay aur bharhanay ka nazaam Monthly Rashhaat Lahore July 2006 51- Professor Mael ki ghazal ki fikar aur zoban Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Agst.2006 52- Urdu ghazal ka eak khush fikar shaer Monthly Rashhaat Lahore July 2005 53-Masnavi Bo-Ali Qalandar: Ehad-e-Salateen ki zinda tasveer 54-Paygham-e-Ashna Islamabad shamara No.2 June 2000 55-Kuch desi zobanoon main aawazoon ka tabadal Paygham-e-Ashna Islamabad shamara No.26 July to Sept.2006 56- Urdu aur Angrizi ka mahavarati eshtaraak Quarterly Ensha Hyderabad July to Sept.2006 57- Doctor Moein- -Eak hama jihat shakhaseat 'Nazar-e-Moein' Edit by Mohammad Saeed 2003 58- Sakhyaat, pas-e-sakhatyaat aur rad-e-sakhatyaat eak asasi motaleaa Quarterly Noewadar Lahore, shamara No.11 Sept. to March 2005 59-Ghalib jaded sherri adab ki khesht-e-Avalein Daily Amroz, Lahore Adbi Edition 28 June 1990 69- Dewan-e-Ghalib kay matin ka masla Daily Mashraq Lahore 22April 1993 61- Shir-e-Ghalib main bhari aawazoon ka estal Quarterly Sahifa Lahore Shama No.158 Jan., March 1999 62- Ghalib eak azeem Maher-e-Mahakaat Quarterly Sahifa Lahore Shama No178 Jan., March 2004 63- Shir-e-Ghalib main alfaz-e-Tameez kay sefati mafaheem Quarterly Loh-e-Adab Hyderabad Jan to March 1999 64- Shir-e-Ghalib aur baez lafzoon ka chalan Quarterly Loh-e-Adab Hyderabad April to June 2000 65- Ghalib aur Urdu mahavraat kay Urdu tarajam Quarterly Pehchan Hyderabad Jan. to June 2003 66- Ghalib aur desi zobanoon kay masadar aur masdari lahqay Quarterly Pehchan Hyderabad March 2004 67- Ghalib ki mahavrati bidatain Quarterly Noewadar Lahore Oct, Jan.2003 68- Ghalib ka seysi shaoor Monthly Sareer Karachi April 1992 69- Dewan-e-Ghalib main badesi nama lafzoon ka estamal Monthly Adab-e-Latif Lahore Oct.1999 70- Ghalib kay haan mohavray ki tabdeliaan Monthly Sukhanwar Karachi Dec.2002 71- Ghalib ki Farsi main Urdu shaeri Monthly Sukhanwar Karachi Agst.2002 72- Ustad Ghalib kay chand sabqay aur lahqay Monthly Sukhanwar Karachi Sept.2004 73- Ghalib kay 'al' say tarqeeb panay walay alfaz ka tafhemi motaleaa 'Tehleel' 2003-2004 Magazine Govt. ID junjuaa College Bara’ay khatein Lala Mosa 74- Shear-e-Ghalib main Farsi marakab sefaat say esma aur faili halatain bananay ka rujhan Monthly Rashhaat Lahore June 2001 75- Ashar-e-Ghalib main aavazoon kay estamal ka nazaam Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Agust.2001 76- Shear-e-Ghalib kay aawamal kay mafaheem Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Sept.2001 77-Ghalib kay sheri asloob per moqami zobanoon kay asraat Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Eeb.2002 78- Neshanyaat-e-Ghalib ka sakhtyati jaeza Monthly Rashhaat Lahore March 2004 79- Mahavra-e-Ghalib assar-e-mojood ki dharkanoon main Monthly Rashhaat Lahore Agst.2004 80- Sher-e-Ghalib main takrar-e-lafzi Nawa-e-Pathan Lahore Dec.1998 Zinda-e-javed Ghalib Nawa-e-Pathan Lahore April 2001 81- Neshanyaat-e-Ghalib ka sakhtyati motalaa Nawa-e-Pathan Lahore April 2003 82- Lafazyaat-e-Ghalib desi aur badesi Zobanoon main Nawa-e-Pathan Lahore Feb.2004 83- Ghalib bagh main Nawa-e-Pathan Lahore May 2005 84- Dil hai eshqi Taj ka 'Pair bharay phuloon ka taj' Taj Qaemkhani Adbi chopal Mirpur Khas (Sindh) June 2006 85- Koe zoban kisi eak halat par nahai rehti Quarterly Insha, Hydeaabad jan. to march 2007 86-Jadeed sindhi shaeri aur farsi ka reshta Quarterly Lauh-e-Adab Hyderabad April to Decmber 2007 87-Ghalib kay marakbaat aur oon ki adbi haisiat Quarterly 'Pehchan' Mirpur khas, Sind, March to June 2008 88-Farsi kay asraaPar Zobanoon Ki Pakisan QuarterlyPaygham_e_Ashna, Islamabad Shamara No.34 Books on Internet A . 1. The language problem Complied by: Prof. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (PhD Isl. Std., Linguistics) Principal Govt College Bahawal'nagar, Pakistan Phonologies of various languages The impacts of Aarabic on the languages of the subcontinent Cencer is not a mysterious disease Danish’paray The linguistic system and sounds of Japanese Insan jabr aur asri taqazay Complied by: Prof. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (PhD Isl. Std., Linguistics) Principal Govt College Bahawal'nagar, Pakistan Palkoon par shaam (Urdu poetry) Poon nay sapnay (Punjabi poetry) Accrose the wall (English poetry) Structural Study of Ghalib’s Traces Lets learn Urdu Complied by: Prof. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (PhD Isl. Std., Linguistics) Principal Govt College Bahawal'nagar, Pakistan Prof. Maqsood Hasni ke panch khasusi maqale Complied by: Prof. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (PhD Isl. Std., Linguistics) Principal Govt College Bahawal'nagar, Pakistan Tehqiqaat-e-Prof. Maqsood Hasni Complied By: Prof. Arshad Shahid, Head Of Punjabi Department Govt. Isl College, Kasur Pakistn Similarities Between Men And Animals (,, www.freedomuniversity,, B. 1- One Thirteen the Great 2- Lilith Adam’s 1st wife (part-1) 3- Lilith Adam’s 1st wife (part-2) 4- VAdam was not 1st man (part-1) 5- Adam was not 1st man (part-2) 6- The goddesses 7- Picture galleries 14 8- 21 goddeses 9- The Holy Sprit 10- The first woman on earth 11- Adam, man and the world 12. Adam’s bridge 13 Similarities Between Men And Animals, Documents on: 390+ Books complied by: Prof. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (PhD) Principle, Govt. College Bahawal'nagar (Pakistan) 1. Jabar-e-Zindagi aur Tahkeek Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 2. Sooraj Ko Rook Lo Tahkeek Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 3.Let us learn Urdu Tahkeek Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 4.The Language Problems Tahkeek Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof.. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 5.14 Ehad’saz Tehrirain by: Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Hassni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 6. Paanch Khasosi Moqalay Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 7 Pakistan ke hasas issues Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 8 Shagufay 8.14 mazamein Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 9.Shagufay Prof. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi 10. Masael jamhoriat aur molki Aein ki haisiat QProf. Mr. Maqsood Hasni Tarteeb-o-Tadveen Prof. Muhammad Abdullah Qazi Published Work on Maqsood Hasni by different quaters: b - Prof. Younis Hasni’s Publications on Maqsood Hasni: 1- Shairyaat-e-Sharq-o-Gharab, Ta’arfi aur tanqidi motah Sehmahi loh-e-Adab, Hyderabad, Sind Oct. To March 2004 2- Shairyaat-e-Khayam, Eak ta’arfi motalah Paigha-e-Aashna, Islamabad Oct ta Dec.2004 3- Urdu shair, Fikri-o-Lisani Rovaeay Sehmahi Pehchan Mirpur Khas Sind, March 2005 4- Munir-ud-Din ahmad Kay Afsanay, Tanqidi jaezah, Eak tehqi moqa Adab-e-Latif, Lahore, Nov.2005 5-Jerman Shairi kay Fikri zaviay, Eak motalah Sehmahi Safeer-e-Urdu Nutan, July Ta sep.2004 6- Baigmi Tajarbah, eak tanqidi Motalah Sehmahi Insh, Hyderabad, Sind, Jan. ta Sep.2005 7- Lisanyaat-e-Ghalib, Tanqidi motalah Mahnama Rash’haat, Lahore, Jan. ta Feb.2004 8- Maqsood Hasni Mahaqqeen aur naqedeen ki nazar main Mahnama Rash’haat, Lahore, June 2004 9- Fikar-e-Iqbal kay chand zaviay Mahnama Rash’haat, Lahore, sept. ta Oct.2004 10- Asool aur Jaezay, Tanqidi motalah Mahnama Sukanwar, Karachi, August 2004 11- Urdu main nae nazan, tarifi-o-tanqidi motalah Mahnamah Qomi Zoban, Karachi, Dec.2004 12- Tarveej-o-Nifaz-e-Urdu kay silsalay main Kasur ki khidmaat Mahnamah Qomi Zoban, Karachi, Oct.2005 13- Ghalib Shanasi kay chand zaviay Mahnamah Qomi Zoban, Karachi, Feb.2005 14- Sitaray bunti Aankhain, Eak lisani motalah Mahnamah Nawa-e-Pathan, Lahore Sept.2005 15- Maqsood Hasni ki talimi fikr kay chand zaviay Mahnamah Nawa-e-Pathan, Lahore, March 2006 16- Maqsood Hasni ba’toor hyku’nagar Mahnamah Nawa-e-Pathan, Lahore, March 2004 17- Maqsood Hasni ba’toor Ghalib Shanas Mahnamah Nawa-e-Pathan, Lahore, May, June 2004 18- Maqsood Hasni ki Moashi fikr kay chand na’ay zaviay, eak tehqi motalah Mahnamah Nawa-e-Pathan, Lahore March, april 19- Maqsood Hasni Kay Afsanoon ka fani-o-fikri motalah Mahnamah Nawa-e-Pathan, Lahore, Ja. Feb.2005 C- Prof. Niamat Ali’s Publication on maqsood Hasni a. a- Introduction Maqsood Hasni b. c. b-Critical talk on English two poems www. d. c-Critical talk on 'But the new generation' e. d-Critical talk on 'Choice still in hand' f. e-Critical talk on 'I resubmit' g. f-Critical talk on 'Cups and Lips' h. g-Critical talk on 'If doubt appears' i. h-Critical talk on 'Birthday' j. i-Critical talk on 'Eyes are for looking' k. j-Critical talk on 'No. not at all’ l. k- Critical talk on 'While that for all’ m. l-Critical talk on 'How and why' n. m-Critical talk on 'The new era' o. o-Critical talk on 'He will be there' p. p-Critical talk on 'Heart is not under the ribs' q. q-Critical talk on 'Should be necessary' r. r-Critical talk on 'But two more' s. s-Critical talk on 'Saw a land' t. t-Critical talk on 'Suicide' u. u-Critical talk on 'The white did his job' v. v-Critical talk on 'how could they stay more' w. w-Critical talk on 'No more' ( x.4-Critical talk on 'No hurry to die’ y. Critical talk on 'Crown ever remains' z. Critical talk on 'Don’t be worried' Critical talk on 'Across that wall' aa. Critical talk on 'Not for silver or gold' bb. Critical talk on 'While you know' D. Prof. Arshad Shahid’s Publications on Maqsood Hasni: Prof. Maqsood Hasni di shakhsiat www.shaeri.comEdit post Prof. Maqsood Hasni ki Punjabi aur Panjabi’nama shaeri (1) Prof. Maqsood Hasni ki Punjabi aur Panjabi’nama shaeri (2) www.shaeri.comEdit postEdit post Prof. Maqsood Hasni ki Punjabi shaeri kay imtiyazaat www.shaeri.comEdit post E- Prof. Ata-ur-Rehman (PhD) Maqsood Hasni ki haiku nigari ( Edit post Work or comments on Mr. Urdu research work/publications Dr. Aagha Sohail (Lahore) , Aasha Parbhaat (Sitamahri) , Aal-e-Emran (Gujar Khan) , Dr. Abu Sulman Shahjahanpuri (Karachi) , Dr. Abu Saeed Noor-ul_Din (Dhaka) , Dr. Annam-ul-Haq Kosar (Qoeta) , Dr. Akhtar Ali (Lahore) , Dr. Asad Gilani (Lahore) , Prof. Anwar Jamal (Multan) , Arif Eftakhar (Islamabad) , Dr. Anwar Sadeed (Lahore) , Dr. Akhtar Shamar (Lahore) , Adeeb Sohaiol (Karachi) , Ashraf Pal (Gujranwala) , Prof. Athar Nasak (Lahore) , M.A Ali (Fasialabad) , Azam Yaad (Daera Din Panah) , Ahmad Nadeen Qasemi (Lahore) , Ahmad Riaz Naseem (Hyderabad) , Abu Moali Asri (Mainwali) Akram Kamal (Lahore) , Syed Akhtar Hussain (Karachi) , Prof. Ikram Hoshyarouri (Kasur) , Anis Shah Gilani (Sadiqabad) , Prof. Amjid Ali Shakar (Lahore) , Altaf Ullah (Lahore) , Eyaz Qesar (Lahore) , Arshad Iqbal Arsh (Itli) , Dr. Aslam Saqib (Malair kotla) , Tanveer Abbas Naqvi(Lahore) , Iqbal Sahar Ambalvi (Lahore) , Abu Sa’aadat Jalili (Karachi) , Abu moaali Asri(Mianwali) Prof. Akbar Hamidi, Prof. Alrton Hamidi (USA) , Dr. Bidal Haiderri (Kabirwala) , Prof. Taj Piyami (Barat) , Dr. Tabassam Kashmiri (Japan) , Taj Qa’emkhani (Mirpur khas) , Sana-ul-Haq Haqqi (Karachi) , Dr. Jameel Jalbi (Karachi) , Jamshad Masroor (Norway) , Dr. Hasrat Kasgunjvi (Hyderabad) , Hassan Askari Kazmi (Lahore) , Hussain Sahar (Multan) , Prof. Hafeez Sadiqi (Lahore) , Khursheed Afsar Biswani (Bharat) , Dr. Khaja Hameed Yazdani (Lahore) , Dr. Zulfqar Ali Rana (Lahore) , Prof. Rab Nawaz Mael (Qoeta) , Dr. Riaz Anjam (Kasur) , Dr. Syed Moen-ur-Rehman (Lahore) , Syed Ali Akbar Gilani (Islambad) , Saleem Rased (Laore) , Dr. Saleem Akhtar (Lahore) , Carlan, Shahid Mahmood Kahloon (Lahore) , Shahid Gori, Shakar Fazli, Shahid Hinae, Shaheen Fase Rabani (Karachi) , Dr. Sadiq Junjuaa (Lahore) , Tafail Aban-e-Gul (Lahore) , Prof. Zahoor Ahmad(Lahore) , Aaqeel Mehdi, Aasam Qazi, Aasam But, Abbas Nasar (jhang) , Aataf Mirza (Qoeta) , Dr. Ata-ur-Rehman (Kasur) , Prof. Atteq Zaman (Hyderabad) , Ali Depak Qazalbash (Qoeta) , Dr. Abdul Qavi Zaia (Caneda) , Col. Dr. Ghulam Fareed Bati (Bahawalnagar) , Prof. Zulqar Danesh (Hyderabad) , Prof. Ghulam Hussain Sajid (Lahore) , Ghulam Mustafa Tabasam (Tundo Aadamjam) , Abdul Qayoom (Karachi) , Zegham Rizvi (Lahore) , Dr. Ghulam Shabir Rana (Jhang) , Ghazanfar Nadeem (Lahore) , Dr. Safdar Hussain Baraq(Okara) , Pro. Safdar Ali Dr. Farman Fataypuri (Karachi) , Faheem Kazmi, Prof. Faiz Rasool Fezan (Gujranwala) , Dr. Qasim Dehalvi (Dehli) , Qesar Tamqeen (UK) , Kokab Mazhar Khan (Sialkot) , Prof. Kaleem Zia (Bombay) , Dr. Gohar Noshahi (Islamabad) , Prof. Masroor Ahmadzae (Hyderabad) , Masood Ejaz Bokhari (Azad Kashmir) , Dr. Mozafar Abbas (Lahore) , Dr. Mobarik ali (Lahore) , Dr. Mohammad Amin (Multan) , Dr. Mohammad Abdulla Qazi (Bahawalnagar) , Dr. Munir-ud-Ahamad (Germany) , Mirza Shabir Baig Sajid (lahore) , Munir Anja, Mohsan Sial, Musfiq Khaja (karachi) , David M. Kolenich, Ph.D, Lisa Jones, Registrar, Dr Gordon Campbell, Alice Herndon, Naty, Mercado, Greta Persson, Julie S. Lewin, James Fitzberg, David Smith, Prof. Dr. Shaher Momani Martin Hall, Mahmood Ahmad Moodi, Mehar Kachelvi (Mirpur Khas) , Dr. Noria balik (Turky) , Nayar Zaidi, Dr. Najeeb Jamal (Bahawalpur) , Dr Nisar Qureshi (Islamabad) Prof. Niamat Ali (Kasur) Nasar tarabi, Dr. Sabir aafaqi (Azad Kashmir) Nadeem Shoeeb (Multan) , Dr. Wafa Rashadi (Karachi) , Dr. Waqar Ahmad Rizvi (Karachi) , Molana Wasi Mazhar Nadvi (Hyderabad) , Waleat Hussain Hidarri (Lahore) , Dr. Wazir Aagha (Sargodha) , Yusaf Aalamgir (Lahore) , Prof. Yunis Hassan (Kasur) , Prof. Mohammad Rafique Sagar (Kasur) and many more Award Forum Pakistan From: pakistani To: Dr Maqsood Hasni Posted: Sun Nov 23,2008 11: 51 pm Subject: You won Forum Pakistan Award Dear Dr. maqsood hasni, Many congratulation! You were nominated for November 2008 Award Show at Forum Pakistan and are the winner for the Award Mr. Urdu/Forum Doctor. Here is the post regarding the November 2008 Award show at Forum Pakistan. http: // It will take time to load, as its about 15MB in size. Thanks. ______ Regards, Forum Pakistan Translation Nasrulla Sabar(Urdu toPunjabi) , Mehar kachelvi (Urdu to Sindhi) , Ali Depak Qazalbash(Urdu to Pushto) , Baldav Mirza (Urdu to English) , Dr. Aslam Saqib (Urdu to Gurmukhi) and Prof. Amjad Ali Shakar (Urdu to Punjabi) have translated his Poetry. Viewers at More then three lacs Education Bible course The vice of Prophecy School, Lahore Bible course The Church of Priest, Lahore M.A. Urdu, Political Science, History, Economics M.Phil (Urdu) 'Baba Majboor Life and his Poetry' belongs to A I Open University, Islam'abad PhD (Linguistics) 'The linguistics system and sounds of Japanese' Doctor of Arts (Linguistics) 'Phonology of various languages' Post PhD (Linguistics) 'Structural Study of Ghalib’s Traces' Link: http: //

The Best Poem Of maqsood hasni

Don'T Be Worried


It will be a misfortune
But whenever by chance,
You slip from heights
Don't be worried
And not look at organs
Organs could be mended
If soul wounded
Organs will be a tasty diet
Man-eaters, as living not far
Man shape is not sufficient
God grants qualities
When create a man
A man is in a man
Don't reject that man
Wounded souls
Never approach nor could help
Even their own self
While others are far

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