Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Marcus Mosiah Garvey Poems

Send Thy peace to all this world,
Lord of nations and of man-
Where blood banners are unfurled.
In their wicked sinful den.

Where can I find love that never changes
Smiles that are true and always just the same,
Caring not how the fierce tempest rages,

Lying and stealing is the white man's game;
For rights of God nor man he has no shame
(A practice of his throughout the whole world)

I'm not as educated, sir, as thee,
But God Almighty's sun I see,
And you may treat me very hard for this,
But I His Holy Hand shall kiss.

Black queen of beauty, thou hast given color to the world!
Among other women thou art royal and the fairest!

Hail! United States of Africa-free!
Hail! Motherland most bright, divinely fair!
State in perfect sisterhood united,

1. When Afric's sun was setting fast
The Prophets told the tale,
But Psalmists said she'd win at last
And pass beyond the vale.

I'm black not white, which is no crime;
To have all things makes one so great:
If blacks did have, all whites would crave

Say! Africa for the Africans,
Like America for the Americans:
This the rallying cry for a nation,
Be it in peace or revolution.

All men have troubles of their own,
And burdens great to bear each day,
So keep your tales of woe, and frown
At all the ills that come your way:

The Eternal hills are green in tropic lands,
And snowy white in temperate zones;
At seasons of the year, when nature speaks,

Suns have set and suns will rise
Upon many gloomy lives;
Those who sit around and say:
'Nothing good comes down our way.'

The way we flitter through our span,
And break the laws of loveliness,
Does show an open Hell for man
On earth, with all his naughtiness.

You may not know, and that is all
That causes you to fail in life;
All men should know, and thus not fall
The victims of the heartless strife.

Yes, man to man is so unjust
Until we know not whom to trust;
For we have made of life a lie,

As I lay asleep at midnight,
A thought came stealing over me:
A shadow of a great disaster,

Oh glorious race of mighty men,
The homeland calls to you;
Our fathers wrought with faith divine,
So let us march in line. (Refrain)

I look at man in grim dismay;
He tried my virtue all to steal:
My heart is full of joy today,
No sin is on my soul I feel.

Today I start my life for good;
I am determined now to find
The value of my real manhood;
And not to travel as if blind.

There's music in my soul today,
A joy of heart not there before:
This state of conscience I relay

Marcus Mosiah Garvey Biography

Rt. Excellent Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr., National Hero of Jamaica (17 August 1887 – 10 June 1940) was a publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, Black Nationalist, Pan-Africanist, and orator. Marcus Garvey was founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL). Prior to the twentieth century, leaders such as Prince Hall, Martin Delany, Edward Wilmot Blyden, and Henry Highland Garnet advocated the involvement of the African diaspora in African affairs. Garvey was unique in advancing a Pan-African philosophy to inspire a global mass movement focusing on Africa known as Garveyism. Promoted by the UNIA as a movement of African Redemption, Garveyism would eventually inspire others, ranging from the Nation of Islam, to the Rastafari movement (which proclaims Garvey as a prophet). The intention of the movement was for those of African ancestry to "redeem" Africa and for the European colonial powers to leave it.)

The Best Poem Of Marcus Mosiah Garvey

A Black Man's Prayer

Send Thy peace to all this world,
Lord of nations and of man-
Where blood banners are unfurled.
In their wicked sinful den.
Sin may reign upon the throne,
In man's way of seeing right;
Thou art Lord in truth; alone
Thou canst set all sin to flight.
Black men crushed to earth each day
Raise a voice of pleading now:
Come good Lord we all do pray,
Make the tyrants humbly bow.
For since God is God alone,
And vile man is man for that,
And will not of self atone,
Treat him, Lord, as virus rat.
White is great upon the earth,
Greater than the King of Kings:
This is sin of human birth
That the white man daily sings.
Thou art made to be so white
That no black man has a claim:
Could'st this, God, Be ever right
That you made us ill of fame?
Thou art God in every way,
Caring not for black nor white;
Then, 0 Lord! look down this day,
Turn the will man Lo the right.

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