Margaret Alice Second Poems

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Was, Is And Will Be

‘All that was, is and will be unto end of time, is in the
Torah, from first to last word: details of species, each
individual, all that happened from birth to death'

Mysterious And Mythical

Found a new book in the library - Act of God
a story of cataclysm, Tutankhamun as well as
Atlantis in which detective Graham Phllips un-
covers extraordinary events - thank heaven,

Leopard-Crawling Worm

Lyall Watson says the moon determines how
we feel, full moon next week no werewolf or
vampire syndrome should appear as yet, but
I feel bad, twisted my ankle on the treadmill

Dreams On New Year's Eve

This dwarfish golem strengthened the chem in
her heart today, having worked on the chem in
her head for so long and ending up with a still-
born life in which challenge and adventure had

Looking More Wonderful

The happy mistress of a few dreams
I am working to fulfil, a large pound
of butter in the fridge to be eaten
with dry rye crackerbread, it tastes

Enfold In Her Cool Caress

Today I did not feel guilty for being me,
for every idiosyncrasy, for every dream
and vision I cherished in the face of all
the demands to the contrary, requiring

We All Choose Love

I told my beloved of the books I read
and my perspective changed, all of a
sudden I could see beyond the fantasy
and imaginary beings into the values

Frozen With Flowers (Revision)

Sitting among flowers burning with joy
of life - even the small purple ones have
yellow hearts, orange flowers seem warm

A Funny Human Being

Taking my little concerns and miniature
plans too seriously instead of laughing
at myself, telling all with shiny eyes of
my new ideals, taking new medication

Tomorrow I Shall Face Ordinary Things

Depressed and too hot I resort to fairy tales
to keep my mind off the woes of this place, the
story of Tinker Bell and Periwinkle disrupting the
whole of Pixie Hollow, reuniting two lovers, Queen

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