Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Cheated Without Mystery [revised]

For my Pension status update I ran down
to the downstairs Fund, and sprinted back
faster than lightning - their office so hot I
near fried in overpowering, nose-curdling

Flibbertigibbetery [revised]

Mimi, soliloquising non-stop in an ongoing
monologue, is driving me into the arms of
singers like the late Bill Flynn who jests by
singing senseless rhymes to arias of great

Whatever It Is [revision]

Air-con can't combat fetid air's hot slanting
afternoon sun, another burst sewage pipe,
its stink invading the stairwell & from there
the whole building, even escapist reading

Camouflage In Cooler Colours

Mom pulled a trick on me,
made a beautiful chintzy
top with flowers in cerise
and purple tapering into

His Damning Text [revised]

He quotes the Bible to damn & blast modern
civilisation to hell, citing what is 'natural' and
what is not - this reverend should examine
Mother Nature & see what's natural indeed:

Conan - The Barbarian Dad [revised]

Dad, Conan The Barbarian, will come visit me,
Alice in Wonderland his daughter, brought here
by his other daughter, my sister The Duchess,
on their way to De Rust in Cape Province, a

Main Course And Sauce

Our Department happily paid
one million bucks for nine
pages of absolute junk

I Love Him

Could not focus today, pain in my head
could be forced aside but it never died
as my twin, the haughty Duchess, said

Love Will Envelop Him [revised]

Only the finest porcelain, miniature pink roses with
patterned white lace, delicate crystal glasses for wine;
Conan LOVES dainty things, drinking tea from these
delicate cups is kissing a pretty maiden he says

I'M To Blame [revised]

I tried my best but oh, it is difficult to remember
that every argument is my fault, that everything
you blame me for is because of my guilt; and I
tried to make peace with me being the culprit -

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