Margaret Alice Second Poems

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Music Of... (Rev.)

Two highlights today; #1 was
entering the office and seeing
the beauty of my work station,
flowers tapering off of intense

What We Believe [revised]

Terry Pratchett's mantra is what we believe is true,
we create the gods who annoy us to explain every
thing that happens in the Discworld, many religious
Pantheons are created by human imagination, then

Saints And Confusion (Rev.)

Confused people should not use too many drawers;
six are already too many for me, rummaging loudly
to find lost items, irritating my open-plan colleagues,
I can't even take care of too many pieces of clothing,

Unsolicited Help [revised]

Seeing my colleague Annette suffering I lose all
self-control (a wonderful thing, bang a blue sun-
screen over an icy air-con with books to weigh it
down; Stop, she warns me, Hermien dislikes it

Elegance (Revised)

Here’s a disturbing lesson in ethics with virtues for us
to apply: ‘People without real morals should have high
standards’, meaning it is a breach of good manners to
hurt those who cannot defend themselves, worse than

When You Falter [rev.*]

I wish I could talk and receive a reply; from
one, it’s follow rules, no bad news or lengthy
discussion of books and events, and from my
Bro, it’s freedom to send poems but without

Allowed Eternal Existence (Cor.)

The kitchen glowing like a pearl, iridescent in the
slanting autumn sun, the enchantment of Tales of
Hoffman’s Barcarolle filling the translucent space,
I’m alive as a fairy crocodile within a magical place

Allowed Eternal Existence (2)


A fairy crocodile in a kitchen glowing like a
translucent pearl in the slanting autumn sun,

The Last Song [revised]

In a black cobweb top Alice can’t move freely
through the house - she’s catching herself on
projecting surfaces, corners, things that open
and close; slinking slowly along passages she

Handsome Guys And Crocodiles

What's it with handsome guys and crocodiles?

Just switched on to watch while pasting labels on files
and suddenly crocodiles pulled me out of the black hole

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