Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Idea Of Infinite Dimensions [rev.]

As a child I wondered where the world was
before I was there to observe it, wondered
what non-being felt like and how the world
could continue to exist after losing my life

Acquisition Of Eyes [rev.]

Determined to continue my eye-defining
project I now apply eyeliner from another
pencil, been forever in my cupboard - &
with eyes watering notice it is lip-liner -

Power You Acquire [rev.]

This deep wound is proof that what you thought
IS true, no special power seems to look out for
you except to extend your life; anything feared
manifests eventually, helping you find requisite

Scent Of Holy Incense [rev.]

A deflated Monday reality and I fail blowing
life into it, all is boring, dull, and listless; my
eyes usually manage to bestow magic but
not today - my ears hear nothing but a soft

Emergency Crocodile Survival [rev.]

Discovered a new sweetener half the cost of the real
McCoy to be toxic; seemed chocolate was getting me
down but all the time it was this beastie, every cup of
sweetened tea weakened me, switched off my brain

A Rose-Petal Top [rev.]

Still under influence of Lactosa, Sucralosa and Leucine, the
three evil sisters Selatine, Princess of Darkness and Rotten
Teeth, employs; in a shop I saw fleecy tops in beautiful pink
shades of cerise, fuchsia, lavender-magenta which became

No-One Else [rev.]

A long, long time ago the crocodile read personality is our
own creation, could be made into anything we are able to
imagine; thus we're freed to think positive thoughts about
ourselves - & she dreamed of being a dragonfly, hovering,

Sing To The Sea [rev.]

Visiting with Tinker Bell, my twin sis, she is
sunny & practical, does everything herself;
I'm Periwinkle - living in the snow though I
adore the sun myself - together we've still

Anything They Want [rev.]

While I live in a world of ideas my sister lives
in a world of events; I ponder imponderables,
or try to, watch ‘Back To The Future' movies
speculating with characters about an ‘art' of

Chaotic Kaleidoscopic Patterns

An Ice Princess returned to her still and peaceful
frozen kingdom; too much humanity in her sister's
sunny land of chaotic kaleidoscopic patterns of re-
curring debts and random decisions which flowed

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