Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Joy Of Being Here [revised]

A wonderful day with rusks, sugared chocolate, wafers,
passing out repeatedly - yet glorious with life; suddenly
I talk like an organ again, fast and furious, no stopping
for breath - driving like a fiend, swerving right and left

Cradling Little Crocodiles [revised]

The joy of watching the ‘Gator Boys’ cradling
little crocodiles destroyed by angry elephants
trampling foolish foreign visitors to Africa; the
joy of reading about mother tongue beauty in

Make People See [revised]

Wish I could describe my feelings, the alienation of
reading articles in magazines loved in my youth which
now seem unbearable - and media insisting on forming
opinion, imposing one point of view; my estrangement

Free Access [revised]

With unrestricted Web access for investigating all
viewpoints in writing - i.e., those of the mavericks,
spirituals, the sciences, religions, philosophies &
channellings, histories, cultures, civilisations, hidden

Their Secret Sign

Sorely in need of emotional reinforcement and
not a favourite book with me - - magazines and
newspapers only reinforce the horrible physical
aspect of being human, the mental and spiritual

Own Unique Tone [revised]

Enjoying my wealth: books I’ve never read, Dark
Quetzal, Song Quest, The Touch And Go Year,
Space And Time Of Uncle Albert and Ballet Shoes
by Noel Streatfeild; including old favourites that

Their Secret Sign [revised]

Don’t have a favourite book today, sorely need
emotional strength; magazines & newspapers
only inflate the gross physical aspects of being
human, mental & spiritual aspects are fine, but

Ineffable Spell [revised]

Tired I return to the New Testament thinking of books
already read, heart sore and mind empty, I’ve looked
everywhere, my spirit dead, there’s no refuge from the
fact that I must learn electricity terms; only by turning

Shallow Breakers

Being strong, facing and solving my problems at work,
learning to face the boredom of nothing ever happening

Blurred Vision [revised]

I listen to Thomas Otten, blurred vision, can’t see the
miracles of life around me, wondering where he found
those melodies; my mind covered in lead, cut off from
the world by a glass wall, soul missing or dead - why,

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