Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Shrinking (Revised)

Why does a conversational ploy that charms
one colleague fall flat on its face for others?

When I enact a little tragi-comedy for Hanlie

Suicide Mission

Once I realised my brother had legitimate
reason to be unhappy and that I could not
help him, I went on a suicide mission, got
hold of a mountain of life-threatening onion


I always idolise my favourite teachers and
adore spiritual masters, look with wonder-
ment on those willing to take time to guide
students to wisdom, those who teach me

Academics Are Daft

Wanted to quote striking lines from a book
by someone called Richard D-v-np-rt-Hin-s
who left a teaching position delineating a
social history of drugs then saw no words

Monday Morning 21 May 2012

Never mastered the technique of carrying
meaning from one context to another, while
smiling in the car about last night on my way
to work, knowing which principles had been

Stormy Blue Sea

I cannot abide brown when
blue can be had, the irritation
of seeing the brown scarf with
glitter representing sea spray

It All Started With Her

The day faltered to an ignominious end,
Internet connection lost, email off, cannot
look up anything, headache caused by my
feasting on chips - and a cheese griller - for

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Since the blue scarf was left at work
I wore my pink scarf this morning, in
the office I draped it around the blue
one, suddenly my coat rack scene is

Living Picture

If I am a living picture of
my soul, my poor soul is
ailing, how can eternal life
be represented by a tem-

Culmination Of Visions

Romanticism dreamt is disenchantment
and death, a problem countered by realism,
left-brain thinking enriches us immensely,
combined with right-brain intuition we are

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