Margaret Alice Poems

Hit Title Date Added
2010/06/01 Life Noisy (Rev.)

I freeze in a dark cavern of this house
my room the black hole of Kalkutta
swallowing me, my jeans icy against
skin, the sunroom only is bright

2010/06/02 Sun’s Bride

the kitchen amplifies its power as sun
gilds wooden cupboards with a patch of
gold, ice-cold tiles acquire a warming
balm but feet still bare beware, cold is

2010/06/04 Humiliated (Rev.)

A BAD work report, sick to the soul, ready
to die and then you belatedly admit you’ve been
experimenting with food despite my allergies,
adding a new sauce to all meat dishes

2010/06/04 Beautific Ideas

I fully submit to and accept as my due
any punitive measures that are applicable,
I shall reread every document and if I cannot
master the art of studying unmusical stuff, I shall

2010/06/18 Simile (Rev.)

I love ancient minds, the grandiose
thoughts of bygone tale-tellers, their
sense of awe, infusing all they saw
with supernatural significance and

2010/06/17 Fire Is Nice

Fed up following a regimen that is not
working, I embarked on eating freely
instant soup, packets of cookies, now
my head belongs to the allergy

'2010/06/09 Curtsy

Feeling ever so much better with offi-
cial punishment, it will not make me
a better person, but it sure will im-
prove my colleagues’ mood

2010/06/11 Allegory

I have forgotten, only John C Maxwell is allowed
to air his ethical, moral opinion; individual feeling,
emotion or thought is outlawed, only consummate
superiority is recognised in this house

2010/06/04 Guilt

I got out my document, then you started the argument
you finally realized the fault is all mine, I agreed, was
met with contempt, how dare I like doing some things
like creative writing – with no financial gain, given the

'2010/06/05 Golden Rain

Pretty, industrious stepdaughter, spinning until fingers
bled, bloodstained shuttle fell into the well, she jumped
in after, landed where bread were to be taken from an
oven, apples to be shaken from the tree, she did

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