Mari Evans

Rating: 4.33
Rating: 4.33

Mari Evans Poems

can be born black
and not

I am a black woman
the music of my song
some sweet arpeggio of tears
is written in a minor key

Where have you gone

with your confident
walk with
your crooked smile

and the old women gathered
and sang His praises
resolutely together

When I
I'm sure
I will have a

Mari Evans Biography

Born on July 16, 1923, Mari Evans grew up in Toledo, Ohio. She attended the University of Toledo. Among her books of poetry are A Dark and Splendid Mass (Harlem River Press, 1992), Nightstar: 1973-1978 (1981), I Am a Black Woman (1970), and Where Is All the Music? (1968). Her books for children include Dear Corinne, Tell Somebody! Love, Annie: A Book about Secrets (1999), Singing Black: Alternative Nursery Rhymes for Children (1998, illustrated by Ramon Price) Jim Flying High (1979, illustrated by Ashley Bryan), Rap Stories (1974), and J.D. (1973, illustrated by Jerry Pinkney). She is also the author of the plays Eye (a 1979 adaptation of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God) and River of My Song (first produced in 1977). She is a contributor to and an editor of the volume Black Women Writers (1950-1980): A Critical Evaluation (1984), and has taught at colleges and universities including Spelman College, Purdue University, and Cornell University. Among her honors are fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the John Hay Whitney Fellowship. In 1997, she was celebrated with her photo on a Ugandan postage stamp. Mari Evans lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.)

The Best Poem Of Mari Evans

Who Can Be Born Black?

can be born black
and not
the wonder of it
the joy

And/to come together
in a coming togetherness
vibrating with the fires of pure knowing
reeling with power
ringing with the sound above sound above sound
to explode/in the majesty of our oneness
our comingtogether
in a comingtogetherness

can be born
and not exult!

Mari Evans Comments

hehehe 23 April 2019

what poems did you make cause i can find any

3 3 Reply
Gina V 06 April 2018

When in Rome needs to added to this list

10 3 Reply

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