Mariah Fisher

Mariah Fisher Poems

Sometimes, just sometimes, you need to let out every thought. Every feeling. Every tear you need to shed. Then, and only then, the monsters stop screaming. They just whisper dirty awful things. It takes everything you have not to cave in to these things the monsters tempt you with. It's just so hard. You try and block every thought.

Mariah Fisher Biography

I am a young woman battling depression and these are my thoughts. Most of my writing doesn't follow a specific poetic rhythm, but rather my own interpretations of poetry. Writing is my outlet and I hope my words will intrigue you, help you, or simply entertain you.)

The Best Poem Of Mariah Fisher

The Monsters

Sometimes, just sometimes, you need to let out every thought. Every feeling. Every tear you need to shed. Then, and only then, the monsters stop screaming. They just whisper dirty awful things. It takes everything you have not to cave in to these things the monsters tempt you with. It's just so hard. You try and block every thought. You do fine most of the time. But the sometimes, late at night when the rest of the world sleeps and is at rest, the monsters come whisper their twisted lullabies that make you drift to sleep. Their words resting in your mind as you sleep, etching them into your memory. That's what happens when they monsters words are the only ones you hear. We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when we realized they were in our heads. That's the sick little game life like to throw at us, isn't it? It likes watching us struggle to keep our heads above the water, drowning in societies words and judgments. Because that's who the monsters really are, aren't they? They live inside us, these monsters created by society, judging and humiliating those people who are the weakest. Who haven't yet succumbed to the pressures of the world. But just you wait, those girls and boys who raise their heads, will be torn down for their passion. No one can survive this world. Everyone ends up falling under the pressure, dropping to his or her knees in defeat. Pressure always wins. Society, no matter how cruel and unforgiving, always wins.

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