Mark R Slaughter Poems

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Death And I

When death comes
I’ll need not love –
No wreath or dove

You, The Dark

Dark, She is the mind of yours.
Icy chill of thought becomes
A steely shimmer.
Behold a glimmer in the black -

Fire Ferocious

Fire! Fire! Ferocious fire!
You restless wall of flame.
Fire! Fire! Roaring higher!
Your fury to never tame.

A Valentine In Pain

A dream of hidden death,
Embedded in her flowers –
Dripping; drenched in nectar tears

Lonely Life

Lonely on the land I walk,
Lonely cross the sea I sail,
Lonely air of beach I stroll -
This lonely life doth take its toll.

Her Bliss

Death is in the flower's heart –
Why to cry for life of any petal?

Death in purple ink of weary pens

A Country Path In Late Spring

The path of mossy ground nestled
In between maternal hedgerows,
That overgrew atop, dimming down
The brilliance of the day.

A Little Ditty

O! love to me is but a season –
Seldom does it overstay,
And tho' I pain to seek a reason,
Like the dream, it fades away

Death’s Too Near

Death, you’re standing rather near!
Don’t you understand the fear
You trigger deep within my soul–?
The terror sprung by such a ghoul

A Fresh Endeavour

So now I've taken leave of life,
I thought you'd like to know, I still
Possess a mind in love, oh wife;
A soulful eye to catch a show of

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