Mary Anne Browne Poems

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Hebrews Xi. 1.

FAIR maiden! who art thou?
Who, with uplifted brow,

Friendship And Love

Friendship's like the moon,
All our sorrows lightening
But Love is as the sun,
Burning while 'tis brightening.

Mont Blanc

Monarch of mountains! in thy cloudy robe,
Thou sit'st secure upon thy craggy throne,
Seeming to lord it over half the globe,

My Harp

My Harp had long hung on a withering tree,-
The snow lay around it, and loud howl'd the blast ;

Ocean : Gratefully Inscribed

Oh ! how I love to stand on some high rock,
And gaze upon the foaming wild abyss
Of Ocean - all unshaken by the shock

Oh, Believe Not, My Dearest, I Ever Could Leave Thee

Oh, believe not, my dearest, I ever could leave thee,
Or cause thee to weep when life sinks in decay ;

On Reading An Assertion

Oh, why say that Woman is faithless and light,
And that wisdom alone to thy sex is confined ;
That her heart is as false as her beauty is bright,

On Reading 'Blacket's Remains'

Martyr to genius ! rude misfortune's blast
Oft sear'd thee, as thy lowly cot it pass'd ;-
The threatening tempests darkly o'er thee gloom'd,

Proverbs Xvii. 3.

How shall we stand before the Lord?
How shall we speak ...

Psalm Cxviii. 14.

THOU art my strength, Thou great and holy God!
Almighty and all-merciful! Thy hand
Hath guided me when tremblingly I trod,

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