matt parker

matt parker Poems

Im at a loss of words
i can barely breathe
i see you walk toward me...
my mind scrambles in thought

you think you have something special
then it gets all ripped away
ive never felt so torn up as i do today
i was about to give you all my heart

Losing faith is tough
but when it hits you its hard
its like the devil took everything that you were
What are you gonna do?

When everything is going right
somethings gotta go wrong
It sucks when its one of your own brother getting taken by sin
His life flipped upside down

matt parker Biography

im 17 and just started using poems to express feelings. Also i never really have written poems before so i might not be good at it so any suggestions or comments would help haha)

The Best Poem Of matt parker

The Crush

Im at a loss of words
i can barely breathe
i see you walk toward me...
my mind scrambles in thought
i try to act like i am not too distraught
you ask how my day is
i try to act cool
all im thinking is please dont look like a fool
your friends know i like you
i hope they dont tell
because then you would know im under your spell
i text you at night
pray you respond
try to get us to have a special bond
i wish the day to come
when you see im right for you
the day when i can call you my boo...

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