Matur Achuil Poems

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There Is Justice In The Jungle

In Maasai Mara live the lion and the gazelle
And both have all the rights to life
The lion has the right to kill and eat the gazelle
So that he can continue to live

I Am Not A Thief Of Love

I met my Y's X last night,
And I could tell he was ready for a fight,
Judging from his protruding jaw-bones
My Y's X is the type who thinks that

The Shattered Bundle Of Joy

If it is an ocean it is not deeper
Than what we felt for each other
If it is a star it doesn't shine brighter
Than what we saw in the eyes of each other

One So Grave A Piece

I love not for gains nor to drain
I lost not for profits but benefits
I give not to take but to make
For last is perfect the first is defect

An Inerasable Pain

On my face, however much I smile,
The intrigues of pain will be printed.
On my voice, even though jubilating
The cry of lived sorrow will be heard.

Goodbye Till We Meet Again

Travel happily sister
We call it promotion to glory
With shaky voices we say goodbye sister
And remember this is not the end of a love story

A Poet And His Friends

Do not fall in love with a poet
For a poet's heart is not in his ribcage
A poet's heart is in his cranium
A poet will never tell you he loves you

What I Said Or Did

If I could unsay what I said
If I could undo what I did
I swear I would
For if what I said was hot enough

The Soft As Stone

A mistaken mystery messed up the ways into a maze
As the council's march up to the yard parted ways
And a number-hard fixed to scores- in circle betrays
Prejudice camped on the dealing as left in a gaze

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