Maurice Diplock

Maurice Diplock Poems

Spain is sounding,
Fireworks attacking,

I planted arose for someone,
for someone who is no longer there.

I planted that rose for someone,

I work forty miles from home,
so I drive eighty miles a day.
I quite enjoy the journey
it give me time to pray.

We, ve got a bit of a rota,
a rota to make the tea.
There's only two people on it,
that's just June and me.

The Best Poem Of Maurice Diplock


Spain is sounding,
Fireworks attacking,
Sounds all around
drums that pound.
Everywhere noise,
from girls and boys.
Mums and dads
are just as bad.
It's noise, It's here
it brings good cheer.
They walk
and talk
and shout aloud,
to be heard above the crowd.
A song is sung.
the bells are rung.
Fiestas here,
it numbs the ear.

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