Maurice Harris Poems

Hit Title Date Added
...Keep Me Strong!

Sing me a song, whereof I do belong-
Vocalize a tune for me, keep me strong!
Be my muse, I, the man you choose!
Be for me, the offer I shan't refuse!

Whence Just Nestlings

Whence just nestlings, our prologue was written,
Upon first sight of thee, surely was I, smitten!
Though far too brief, our time together-
It made for me memories to last forever,

With Constancy, All The While

I lie awake at night, alone, yet not lonely:
Though many miles betwixt us there are,
Naught is there to keep us apart-only
Must I close mine eyes, and you are ne'er far!

Silence- That Is All You Can Offer

Silence- that is all you can offer
When asked why you did it to me!
A chance to save face I, to thee, proffer:
To accept and right your wrongs- your duty!

Love Is The Most Powerful And Lasting Of Emotions

Reality! Amazing is it not, with how much haste
It does return when your mind is not being laid waste
To paranoia and fear, ne'er before seen here?
Not fair is this to any involved- I think- as I shed another tear!

Awesome Responsibility

Awesome responsibility must you have at current;
To decide what is best for us, even after final judgment!
Better to be in a steady frame of mind-
Than, surely, to have a 'monster' to hide behind!

3 March 2012 (Happy Eighth Birthday Abigail)

Abigail-your Father's joy, even in your absence;
Your beauty is felt every day, despite your presence
Kept from the eyes of your own Father, for so very long!
I have kept your memory alive, through a Faith so very strong

A Heart To Heart (With My Heart)

</>'Hold on', I encourage it, '...a little longer! '
Soon, victories will be had, to make you stronger,
Both in literal and figurative senses-
Do not think how long it has been, since this

A Conflict Between Love And Hate

</>Years ago and a world away from here,
There was the naive man I used to be-
A man, who steadfastly refused to see
That you were the very last woman that I should have come near!

Two Roads Diverged

</>If heartbreak had a face, mine would be it-
As you need only gaze into mine eyes, to see it;
For far too long, my life has been suspended,
And may never again be, as I intended.

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