Maurice Harris Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Midnight Prayer

'Lord, grant me the strength to get past
My overwhelming fears, and the pall they cast;
Grant me faith to overcome any and all doubt-
Should the spectre of dubiety lurk, cast it out;

My Beloved's Ardor

One day, not so long since passed, I heard those words, three-
I knew then and there, I had gained my beloved's ardor, truly!
It is I that she doth adore, she did share with me, the same;
As my heart surely hath been thieved-so too her's-I, amorously to blame!

Happy Birthday America

</>Happy Birthday America, tried and true;
235-years-old, but with precepts that keep you new-
Not enough say this, but 'I am so proud of You! ',
The colors that do not run-The Red, White And Blue!

A New Life Of Wonder

I will take this trial, I will take this tribulation-
I will turn it from a travesty, into a celebration
Of life, and lessons learned from same,
To Glorify my Heavenly Father in His Only Begotten Son's Name!

1 February 2012 (Happy Fifth Birthday Gabriella)

'Not one day has ever passed MY life, ...since your Blessed birth,
Where I would not have traded my own life, for one day of mirth-
Which I know our long-sought consort would bring to me again-
As my heart's lament is never-ending, until this is what we win! '

The Lady, And Her Knight In Shining Armor

It is a fairy tale come, oh so very True-
Your Knight in Shining Armor, came straight to you,
Though even he needed lots of Intervention, Divine,
So that the two most Amazing personages, could finally combine

For Us, His One Plan

You said very recently: 'We are waiting for you! '
I am here, through an Inspired Act of God, Beloved-now what do I do?
And you also said: , 'My.... what do I say to such loving thoughts? ? ? ? ? ? You know how I feel....',
Yes, yes I do Beloved, now ask yourself, how might I deal,

Listen To Your Heart (An Ode To Courage)

But one simple, yet obvious fact remains, as has for nearly three years:

Love and hate have been engaged in a battle-love versus fears;

A Perfect Love

My heart has been shattered, though I know not why!
Where before I saw beauteous blue, I now see dark sky!
Wherest has gone all my love, for it is with thee-
Thouest I know not why, you covet not me! ?

You Are The Tree, I Am The Wind

You are the tree, I am the wind,
You alter my course, yet you also bend;
No longer is either the same after each-
I am the wind, be my tree, I do beseech!

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