May Witwit

May Witwit Poems

I read your 'Words' and found it right
Words are Might
Can set things right
When followed by positive action

Time has erased you from my soul
Eradicated you from within
Strummer of my pulse
Barbarous tattoo on my skin

Does the word give the creeps?
Is it a sickness? Is it a plague?
No. It is our status for keeps.

Can you dress the wound?
Can you ease the pain?
How can you possibly do?

Your blood oozes through and through

The Best Poem Of May Witwit

Words Are Might

I read your 'Words' and found it right
Words are Might
Can set things right
When followed by positive action
Cruel words bring negative reaction
Be careful how you choose
Words make you win or lose
The battle of life
Can trigger love
Or hatred from above
Be careful when you choose
What have you got to lose?
If your word were nice
They'll break the ice
Add some spice
To a world bleak and snappy
Go on!
Make someone happy

June 2011

May Witwit Comments

Charles Anthony Albert 03 April 2012

Did you get my message? I added my pix to this site also. My hooya is Write me. I would love to get into your mind.....My mind is yours to read as well. I only submitted one axiom. I have thousands...But I don't write them for others to read....I write them for myself. I would love to share a few with you May...Call me Charles

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Charles Anthony Albert 03 April 2012

I love your work. I am an old man that has written thousands of free and easy things. My work results in laughter, sounds of mmmm, and some can step in my shoes and others cannot. Your work is so shockingly true. I don't know your age or your experience in life, but you just sounded like you know exactly what is going on! ! ! ! ! I like you. I absorbed every letter you wrote. It moved me...sadly...and you know the truth...don't you? I priase your ability to make aware to the others.....what is going on. It is not is sadly true.....Your very good. Don't stop writing....that would be a sad loss to the world. If more would read your sense of thought, perhaps a better world, or even moreso....a more educated world this would be. I am Charles Anthony Albert...and I would love to be your friend......74 years young this past 3/ doesn't take an older, experienced mind to understand your words. They are very simply said to those of us that understand.......Hope to hear from you....Please write me.....Charles Anthony Albert....Charles......

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