Megan Mei

Megan Mei Poems

With over 600 million people subscribing
Facebook is the most popular platform for social networking.

Facebook has helped many users in tracing

The Best Poem Of Megan Mei

Facebook Telltales

With over 600 million people subscribing
Facebook is the most popular platform for social networking.

Facebook has helped many users in tracing
Old friends, school mates and relatives gone missing.

But how do people use fb for networking?
Here's an insight on users I am categorizing.

There are subscribers with a long, long friends listing
Communicating with each and everyone would simply be amazing.

Then, there are users who regularly updat their postings
With news, photos, videos and games they are playing.

Postings, comments and friendly greetings
Keep people in touch even when they are not meeting.

Many users may be busy studying or working
But still find time for a little updating.

Some too take the chance to do some chatting
With friends no matter where they're residing.

People on the go have no problem accessing
fb via their iPhones or BB they are carrying.

However, some subscribers only enjoy reading
People's wall but they are silent and not commenting.

Send them a birthday wish or friendly greeting
Knock! knock! hey! they are not responding!

I believe there should be 2-way communicating
Getting no feedback at all can be frustrating.

Using fb as a social media isn't all that daunting
All you need to do is customize your privacy settings.

It doesn't matter if it's a once in a blue moon posting
At least your friends know you're alive and kicking.

So folks, do log in for a brief updating
For this, I thank you for doing my bidding!

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