meggan hein

meggan hein Poems

So tender, So soft
Your love is true
Killing your self
To please the unpleasable

I miss the way you use to wink at me
I miss the way we use to kiss
I miss the way we use to laugh together
I miss the way we use to hold each other

Caught up in the game
A game to many loose
Caught up in the game
That so many unfortunate

Love is like a rose
It blossoms as it grows
It wilts and withers
In cold, dark shades of grey

Angel, Angel of mine
You fought so hard to get here, you even came before it was time.
You have a stromg soul that you can't deny. You were a fighter, you
didn't give in.

The Best Poem Of meggan hein

A Mother's Love

So tender, So soft
Your love is true
Killing your self
To please the unpleasable
You knew
You gave me everything you had
That just was not enough you see
I kept taking and taking
Until there was nomore to take
Know that Im out of your house and not under your wing
I see how easy I had it and know thankyou for everything
You wanted me to be your perfect little angel
That is something I just could not be
So if I let you down
Im sorry you see
I wish I had listened to everything you said
Now I have to learn on my on instead
But I know you will alway's be their for me

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