Meghna Praveen

Meghna Praveen Poems

It was 'eighteen-ninety-six',
The newspapers showed, the radio blared.
'bout flying machines and their fix,
How they failed, landed and flared!

The Best Poem Of Meghna Praveen

The Invention Of Airplanes

It was 'eighteen-ninety-six',
The newspapers showed, the radio blared.
'bout flying machines and their fix,
How they failed, landed and flared!

Nobody noticed what these machined lacked,
Except for the witty bros - Wilbur 'n' Orville.
They thought 'n' thought till their heads cracked,
And the solution was found, to the machines' trouble.

This idea was put up for an experiment,
Unfortunately, their hopes crashed!
It landed on the ground and shattered into pieces.
Frustrated were they- 'into the house they dashed'.

There they experimented for nine long years,
With all sorts of things.
And at last, the time came - Lets give 'em cheers! !
The two young bicycle mechanics - invented a thing that flew like a bird with wings!

They demonstrated their great invention,
People stared with their mouth wide open.
'Oooh! Look at that huge bird! ', the kids said...while the others complimented the construction.
It changed the lives of the people, it taught us a lesson - ' There is always a solution, so never be heartbroken! '

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