Melissa Ayton

Melissa Ayton Poems

It's a beautiful day outside and i am just in the door from bringing my dog on a walk he needs grooming,
oh look my flowers are blooming! ,
the boys and girls are having a water fight,
luckily it is so bright,

The Best Poem Of Melissa Ayton

Summer Fun!

It's a beautiful day outside and i am just in the door from bringing my dog on a walk he needs grooming,
oh look my flowers are blooming! ,
the boys and girls are having a water fight,
luckily it is so bright,
on the beach i would like some shade,
you know what lets just use our bucket and spade,
dig dig dig to find some shells,
to sell to the lady who sells shells! ,
its summer and i wish i could to school,
but before that lets jump into the pool,
everybody isn't this fun? ,
after this would you like a bun,
can we go on holidays to Inchydoney lodge and spa? ,
this is so relaxing ahhhhh,
lets go to Portugal, Mallorca or even Spain,
but first of all we need to book a plane,
we were going to get dady slacks,
but we went the wrong way quick turn back,
in the hot summer evenings we go out to dinner,
i get it so cheap because i am a singer! ! ! ! !

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