Melvina Germain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
(729) Christmas Gift To All

Merry Christmas to you all,
no matter where the snow shall fall.
With or without, Christmas is here.
Enjoy this precious time of year.

(922) Hidden Truth

A brave face can certainly be misunderstood.
Too soon lonely in the darkness of the night.
Afraid, crying, hurting out of sight.
No one knows how hard one must fight.

(892) Heaven

To finally meet the King of Fathers.
To look upon his face, and know the
one who stood beside us, through
strife and hardships grueling race.

(897) Walk In Another Mans Shoes

Walking now in those dreaded shoes,
tattered, torn and worn out.
The shoes I laughed at, would never use.
Acknowledged them not, I refused.

(609) Betrayed Trust

I found a damsel in distress
Wearing a tattered torn aqua dress
tears flowed sadly down her face
She was a picture of beauty and grace

(708) Joy Of Christmas

Christmas, a joyful time of year.
Fun-filled days, lots of holiday cheer.
Children all over the world, year after year,
Wait for this special day in the hopes

(725) Christmas Treasures

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree.
Lush, green ambiance standing before me.
Mesmerized by childhood memories.
I smile and ponder of which I see.

************ Tears

(601) Passing Through

At the end of the tunnel lies the brightest of lights.
I hear the voices calling my name.
Come—it’s time— it’s time for you.
Come -my darling-you paid your dues.

(881) Faded Erection

Dreams of grandeur consumes the hour,
meek to powerful thoughts of mind.

Skin unfolding erect and smooth,

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